Trump Trumps Media – IOTW Report

Trump Trumps Media

Trump issues calm, cool statement about his executive order.

Now what does the media say?

15 Comments on Trump Trumps Media

  1. BRAVO, Mr. President!
    @ Woody – I don’t think I could “remain calm” if I were in your situation. I have so had it with these idiots. Do they not see how they are being manipulated by more than just the left?

  2. Next year the FAG SAG awards. How low are your old balls. Hollywoods is threatening to go on strike for as long as DJT is in office. Personally I wouldn’t notice. I can’t remember the last movie I went to see. I will go see John Whicks part two though cause Reeves is a real shooter.

  3. Fur, if you’re up at this hour, answer me a question if you would. I linked to this on my FB. It used to show the graphic or picture of your article. Not tonight, it only enters your headline without the graphics.

  4. I got family members just taking Bible passages out of context regarding “refugees” and some of them have gotten into that “social justice laced with a perverted version of Christianity” crap. They serve “Justice Christ” now. LOL!

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