Trump urges DOJ not to let Imran Awan and Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the hook – IOTW Report

Trump urges DOJ not to let Imran Awan and Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the hook

Geller Report: At last, this case may receive some of the attention it deserves, thanks to President Trump. The mainstream media has been assiduously ignoring this case ever since it broke. They’re determined to make sure that as few Americans as possible know about what could be a catastrophic security breach that was enabled by Democrats’ determination to prove they were not “islamophobic.” The President has once again done the right thing in calling attention to this.

Longtime Geller Report readers have been hearing about this cybersecurity breach by Muslim IT staffers for well over a year. The Democrat leadership collusion with Muslim spies is the biggest story of treason and espionage in the recent memory, and yet for month after month the media has refused to cover it.

House investigators found the House server was being used for nefarious purposes: the alleged Muslim spies were removing information and sending it for foreign actors. Capitol Police are looking into the massive amounts of data the Awans reportedly downloaded off the congressional system, thousands of illegal log ins made on the official system, possible theft of tens of thousands of dollars in congressional equipment and fraud and sent to foreign governments and groups.

No wonder the Democrats tried to squirrel these jihad spies out of the country.  MORE

13 Comments on Trump urges DOJ not to let Imran Awan and Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the hook

  1. Hey Zonga! Look! L’il Jeffy’s asleep! Ain’t he cute?
    All snuggled up in his widdle jam-jams!
    Sucking his thumb and gurgling while he dreams of sugarplums!
    Awwwwwwwww …!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I can’t get to the end of any article here, without numerous pop ups
    Yesterday I heard on Wilkow, the guy had 2 wives, one of which was a cousin. She left (escaped )him , only to have him order a hit put on her in Pakistan


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