Trump Wants To Ban Abortions and Have Legal Punishment For Women Having Them Performed – IOTW Report

Trump Wants To Ban Abortions and Have Legal Punishment For Women Having Them Performed

UPDATE: He walks it back-


112 Comments on Trump Wants To Ban Abortions and Have Legal Punishment For Women Having Them Performed

  1. That may be, And many would likely agree with him. But, at no time does he say or even hint that the POTUS can implement such a policy.

    Abortion, homosexuality, gambling, drugs, prostitution, healthcare costs, education costs etc. ALL existed when the Constitution was written, and NONE of them are listed as being ANY of the Federal government’s business.

    The “common welfare” phrase has been used as a catch all for decades when it wasn’t meant to be, likewise the trade oversight clause. But, the tenth amendment actually IS supposed to be the catch all, and gets ignored and ridiculed because of slavery in the 18th and 19h centuries.

  2. WTF?
    Not long ago, trump praises Planned Parenthood to the high heavens and supports abortion…..a low of the lowest road.

    Then he “evolves” again to moral high ground.

    I mean my prayers have been answered if his evolution supports “life” over murder and he stops federal funding to run abortion murder mills.

    I truly hope Teflon Don has seen the light and not trying to garner political support and then “evolve” again.

    Keep your word this time and you’ll have a convert when you do what you say.

  3. Cato,
    Trump never praised Planned Parenthood’s abortions.
    Slam Trump on what he said, not on what you think he said.

    Having said that, this statement by Trump is going to damage him “tremendously.”
    It was stupid to make and he’s an idiot for going there

  4. Until next week when he is back to thinking it is a womans right to have a abortion. And then do another shout out on how great planned parenthood is. This man makes the slimy democrats look like amateurs with his bullshit stances.

  5. it was an exciting ride while it lasted

    we’re not going to beat hillary, in a year we will be having to suck it up and listen to her vapid and vacuous leftist platitudes while bill stumbles around in the background with his fly down

    the thought of what we are facing makes me truly nauseous

  6. The spin I’d recommend:

    1. It’s my personal opinion, obviously, as POTUS that isn’t my job.

    2. The “punishment” I propose will be administered by a “higher authority” etc. etc.

    If he starts right now he might be able to extricate himself from this hole he stumbled into.

  7. “When continually pressed for what the answer is regarding punishing women who would break any theoretical ban, Trump said the “answer is that there has to be some form of punishment, yeah.””

    “…break any theoretical ban,…”

    Reading is fundamental.
    If he said “no” Chrissy would have asked “Then why ban it?”
    Gotcha question.

  8. Legal consequences for doctors who perform abortions would be better suited, imho. If he’s going to go there, it’s a practice performed by doctors. Similar to busting the drug dealer instead of the drug user.

  9. I’m torn on the abortion situation. On one hand, abortions should be illegal. On the other hand, if they’re not, then abortions should be allowed to be performed on certain children up to the age of, oh, say 23 or 24 years old.

  10. Murdering one’s children is NOT the law.

    For an act to become a LAW it must pass both Houses of Congress and be signed by the President.

    Abortion “rights” were discovered in the “shadows and penumbras” of the Constitution by an illegal, activist, death-cult SCROTUS and has no basis in LAW. This is just another example of how We, the People, have allowed our Republic to die an unmourned death. The Republic was aborted when this was allowed to stand.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. I saw a a car the other day that had a Bernie sticker on one side of the bumper and a Trump on the other. I’m reasonably sure the Trump sticker has already been removed.

  12. BFH; With Trump it is dangerous to use the word “never”.
    Back in the 90’s (look it up) Trump supported partial birth abortions and Planned Parenthood.
    Actually, I am sure you already knew that but momentarily forgot that Trump existed before around 2000, give or take a year or so.
    As he has been born again his pre 2000 actions and positions don’t count and can’t be used against him, but they did exist.
    We all eagerly anticipate January of 2017 when Trump will be born again again as he will be even greater in his next transformation Trump 2016!

  13. He really fell into a trap set by all people, this slimeball. Hopefully someone who is knowledgeable in post-abortion healing will educate him. He isn’t ridged and is willing to learn.

    My gut is that he is responding (without thinking) to, not the pro-life people, but to the anit-abortion people. I know both groups very well.

    Usually people who are newly formed in their view against abortion become very anti-abortion without considering the people who suffered the trauma of abortion(s), and the factors that led them there. When a pendulum swings, it can swing back with more momentum. Reagan did same.

  14. Some of us who frequent these pages are not oblivious to what Trump is. I have never been a fan of his, but want Cruz as president. I am still undecided about whether to vote for Trump if he is the nominee, because of his shady tactics.

  15. just watched a program on nazi death camps. lots and lots of footage on the dead.

    so please explain to me the difference between 53 million babies and the extermination of jews, intellectuals, jehovah witnesses, homosexuals and religious orders.

    there is none.

  16. Women should not be dissuaded from having an abortion because of a legal repercussion. It’s simply not the pro-life stance.

    They should come to the conclusion on their own that what they are intending on doing is not moral, not just and not humane.

    Trump doesn’t understand the pro-life movement. He understands that he is against abortion, but doesn’t realize that abortion will not cease at the point of a gun, but will cease when women themselves will rule it out as a “choice.”

  17. “Shady Tactics”

    I think Cruz gets the award for shady tactics. To my knowledge he still has not said that he did not have affairs with other women or cheat on his wife.
    How hard is it going to be to vote for Kasich?

  18. I am thinking about writing a book and here is the summary:

    A well known billionaire is secretly in debt up to his eyeballs due to really bad business decisions and is about to lose everything. So he makes a deal with his creditors to clear off this debt by providing them with the one thing they want the most, a certain person to serve as the next US President. So he hatches a plan to get them what they want. To do this, he uses his power and fame and runs for President and torpedoes all the other candidates in the primaries by either digging up dirt or making up lies that stick! Then we he has it almost secured, he takes down his final competitor using friends of his in a gossip mag to spread more rumors and innuendoes. Finally, once he has secured the nomination, he torpedoes himself by saying stuff that he knows will turn many against him so that they can elect the one his “owners” want to be the next President.

    hmmm should I write this novel?

  19. Wow, he sucked you in didn’t he. The Donald managed to get the moral high ground with a position stating that that if something is illegal then the people engaging in that act should be punished….Please explain to me what is controversial about that.

    Is there a snowballs chance in hell that abortion will ever be illegal? No.
    NO-ONE can possibly call him pro abortion now – not in the slightest.

  20. Oh Good Lord – you people are KILLING me. He says something off about abortion, and you all forget about the illegal invasion, a border fence, and world imploding without strong leadership and business know how.

    He’s going to be so busy with everything else, this will be the last thing on his mind.

    OMG! A squirrel!

  21. I’ve been waiting for it to be confirmed to me the theory that Trump is only playing at this like Ross Perot was, that he hasn’t really wanted it all along. This is looking like a lot like confirmation.

  22. Gladys,
    I’m not dumping Trump.

    I would never dump Trump. He might be the last guy standing and it would be him or Hillary.
    That’s a no-brainer.

    I’m worried that this stupidness will cause others to dump him.
    And if Cruz did have an affair???
    We’re sunk.

    All of my anxieties are predicated around the possibility of a Sanders or Clinton in the white house.

    (BTW, I presented this post with no editorial slant.)

  23. He just released a statement saying that the dr and nurses would be held responsible, not the mother.
    IF congress passed a law banning abortion.

    There you go headlines made, position solidified, moral high ground with trump flag planted.

  24. BFH; Trump is edging closer and closer to becoming #nevercruz. He has completely backed off his pledge and is hinting that he will work against the nominee if it is not him.
    If Trump openly states that position will you view him the same way you view the #nevertrump people?

  25. Fur….. Take a deep breath: Cruz *did* have affair(s)! Lots of ’em. The amoral, unprincipled ass has been trying to make up for no tail in college.

    When he threw Carly out in front of him to answer questions, refused to answer the simple, direct question from The Guardian, “Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife,” you should have known. You should have known, Fur.

    Me? *I* wouldn’t care so much if he weren’t such a sanctimonious prissy ass. The word you’ll search for is hypocrite.
    …Lady in Red

    PS: Trump will take out Hillary, easy peasy.

  26. JohnS, could you please send a link? All I have seen is that he feels that he doesn’t need to honor the “pledge” and support Cruz or Kasich or whomever the R candidate is. That is a long way from #neverTed.
    Not disputing what you say but I haven’t seen it yet.

  27. BFH,

    Regarding Trumps abortion statement: With the exception of one Cruzer, all my pro-life friends, including the ones who are post-abortive, are total Trump supporters, and his blunder will never dissuade them from their convictions.

  28. What a bunch of panzies! You can’t call yourself Pro-life and want Roe vs. Wade overturned and then say you don’t want a penalty for killing an unborn child. Wanting the woman to make the moral choice you want them to make without the force of the law means you’re Pro-Choice!

    Do you people seriously believe that people who are pro-choice assume that Pro-life people don’t expect there to be a penalty if Roe vs. Wade is overturned and a state makes abortions at any stage illegal?

    Gimme a break! Quit being panzies! Voting for Trump is not about voting for man, it’s about voting for Truth and honesty.

  29. This is actually a plus in my book now that he walked this back.
    This means he is totally open to the conservative way of thinking, he just needs to be told when he wanders off for a bit.
    I’m being totally serious.
    If he’s a vessel that “gets” 70% of what we want, and the other 30% he needs to be told.. GREAT!!!!

  30. Wizzum,
    What do you do to an American woman who travels to get her abortion in a country where it’s legal?

    I think you’ll see where I’m going with this argument, let’s not waste hours and hours arguing.
    You jail the doctors, not the women.

  31. Lady In Red and Plain Jane, like Rhett’s Girl before have made me fall in love all over again! Level headed, straight shooting women can only be found one ONE side of the political divide!

    As for Tump/Cruz, I’ve gone from thinking Cruz would be the best POTUS (though I never though he could win) to a Trump convert. Time will tell, and we certainly could do worse than either, thought they need to get this panty twisting social media crap out of the way and get back down to business.

  32. lemonwhatever,
    Some of us have never said we were “pro-life” in the sense of abolition of abortion. I personally think it has lowered the crime rate in this country.

    The point is that it is NOT the business of the federal government, the only murder that is is murder of a federal employee or murder on federal land. Naturally it is also NOT the business of the federal government to pay for it.

    This is a decision, per the tenth amendment, to be left up to the states and to the people.

    So, in a nutshell, you don’t have to be 100% anti-abortion to think RvW is wrong.

    Hope that was as confusing as I found your handle to be. No offense intended.

  33. I just find it unbelievable that anyone could enter the race for president on the Republican ticket without being fully coached on the abortion answers. This is one of the topics that can make or break a campaign.

  34. ” Chris, this is not an executive issue this is actually something that the legislature would address along with penalties. Unfortunately it is a prime example of how the Supreme Court legislates from the bench. And just so you know, for the record, I am pro-life.”

  35. @ BFH & Bad Brad.

    Surprisingly, I didn’t know that. But, Brad thanks for giving me the benefit of doubt.

    I stand corrected.

    So you can be anti-abortion but glowingly support planned parenthood for the “other services they provide”.

    According to Planned Parenthood’s annual report, it performed 329,445 abortions in 2010.[viii] Its website states that a surgical abortion generally costs between $300 and $950 in the first trimester[ix] and a chemical abortion costs between $300 and $800.[x] Thus, using its lowest advertised price of $300, Planned Parenthood made—at minimum—$98,833,500 from abortions in 2010.

    No service , HIV testing, STI & STD tests, emergency contraception kits, pregnancy tests, urinary infection treatment, or any services they provide negates the horrendous 329,000 murders per year.

    I stand corrected, Trump can verbally and financially support Planned Parenthood, but separate himself from they acts they commit.

    I don’t see the disconnection, but that’s just me.

  36. Double facepalm moment. Good grief. How do we suck THIS BAD at picking a nominee? The only thing left is figuring out whether we address Hitlery Clinton as Mrs. President or Madame President.

  37. VietVet…. Nah. I don’t think you are wrong and Stephanie Cegielski reminds me a bit of a younger me: idealistic and a tad naive. Donald Trump is not the second coming of Christ: he is egocentric and repetitive. Too often he is a jerk. Which of our Founding Fathers, even, was sooooo Most Perfect? We need what we need: a man for *this* season.

    Abigail Adams mentioned a couple of biopics about Churchill recently: The Gathering Storm and Into the Storm. You think ole Winston was perfect? …smile… It’s on my library “hold” list.

    The catch Trump has on my heart and mind is that I do believe — warts and all — he doesn’t need this grief: he is doing this because he really does believe in America — and in all its glorious people and values. He wants to help, egomaniac that he is. *All* the rest of the candidates are running for power, for personal interests. Really: Trump doesn’t *need* that bullet-proof vest he puts on every morning — before he does he does his three rally a day shtick. Think on that. ….Lady in Red

  38. MatthewSJW…. It’s “principles” you are attempting to refer to and, yep, Donald Trump has ’em. Perhaps a tad different than yours. But, I bet he knows the right word…?

    “Principals” are main thingies, kinda like the head of your school, the main “pal.” Get it? …..Lady in Red

  39. @Lady in Red: I think you nailed it. He does believe in America, and he sincerely wants to help. But I also think that, either consciously or subconsciously, he’s so afraid of the office that he’s going to keep shooting himself in the foot until he becomes unelectable.

    Again, I hope I’m wrong.

  40. “@Lady in Red: I think you nailed it. He does believe in America, and he sincerely wants to help. But I also think that, either consciously or subconsciously, he’s so afraid of the office”

    I don’t think that’s it. Donald Trump is not a politician. He’s a businessman and businessman sometimes wake up in the morning and think “You know, NATO sucks. Here we are paying all this money and for what?” Then Trump come s out and says “NATO Sucks, we should get out of it.”
    And the opposition goes nuts.
    The business man thinks about it and decides, well maybe we shouldn’t scrap it, but it was originally constructed to fight a cold war that no longer exists. Lets refocus it on terrorism and get the rest of the bastards to pay.
    Trump isn’t taking polling data to see what plays well. He’s not consistent in a firm initial position and that causes a lot of us to squirm.
    Trumps thought process is probably very similar to ours and we are not use to seeing that out of someone running for office.

  41. What a crummy question to ask a man whose 8th grandchild was just born a few days ago. Does anyone think Chrissy “tingle up my leg” Matthews is a creep for trying to corner him?

  42. LIR,
    That article was most informative. Yes, “lulz” has now been added to my vocab also. 🙂

    To me, every labeling of social and political groups has seemed too simplistic and inaccurately caricatured over the past several decades. I noticed back when I came of age in the 60s that labeling, even using the word “radical” wasn’t appropriate for the hippie movement, nor for the anti VN war movement, but it was liberally used. I’m not studied in sociology although it does interest me.

    The only part I somewhat take exception to is :

    “Ironically, they’re drawn to the alt-right for the same reason that young Baby Boomers were drawn to the New Left in the 1960s: because it promises fun, transgression, and a challenge to social norms they just don’t understand.” I’m still mulling it over.

    This part cracked me up: “Some enjoy violating social norms for shock value, while others take a more intellectual approach, but all oppose the pieties and hypocrisies of the current consensus — from both Left and Right — in some form or another.”

    I sometimes think I fall into this category but not sure exactly where. I don’t care whose company I’m in, I use the word cripped instead of handicapped when it comes to speaking of myself. You should see the shocked looks I get from “refined and pol correct” people. 🙂

    This article was understandable and logical analysis. TY for suggesting it. I really like Milo.

  43. It was a hypothetical question that Trump was foolish enough to answer. ‘IF abortion became illegal’ not ‘should we punish people who get abortions’. Trump had to clarify because he flubbed his answer and the MSM chopped it up and are trying to run with it. This the that KKK nonsense all over again. Carry on.

  44. Plain Jane…. I understand. …smile. I continue to evolve politically and, frankly, it’s nice to know that, if I pick a dab here, a dab there, I am not alone; pretty much, before Milo, I thought I was alone: it was codified. (I ain’t a 1488r. ….smile. …but the rest…?)

    I am fighting, trying to find the good, the light. …smile. Ole Milo — who I adore — his crazy, over-the-top, hysterical gay ways — is a good one to keep in touch with about the way the (smart) kids at university, today, are going.

    (I am relieved to know they are not all ill-educated, liberal, dumb, craving “safe spaces.”)

    Milo makes me laugh.

    I sent the article to Fur, for background, but I think it’s much too complicated for IOTW.

    I like you, girl. Lulz! ….Lady in Red

  45. @Bad_Brad
    I think Cruz never directly answers a question like that because his stance may be even more controversial.. /besides, doesn’t he have Snarly Fiorin campaigning with him right now to answer for him?

    Back in topic. If Trump had refused to answer the hypothetical question, the media would have painted him as pro-choice, so I suppose it was a lose/lose from the beginning. He has come out and said that the abortion providers should be punished, just wish he’d said that from the get go.

  46. @ Just Al

    “Lady In Red and Plain Jane, like Rhett’s Girl before have made me fall in love all over again! Level headed, straight shooting women can only be found one ONE side of the political divide!”

    You’ve made my day. Love you back. You sound like my neighbor Al. Sure you aren’t? You are, if the lady across the street from you put a sign on her butt saying “Hi Al” one day when she was gardening. 🙂

  47. Trump is showing signs of the classic, “Dog chases car, Dog catches car, now what?” syndrome. Reality is setting in that he could be the next president of the United States. He might be freaking out a bit – who can blame him.
    The threats from the leftist cadre; Obamas, Clintons, Soros, parasitical nations, BLM, SJW, RINOS and other progressive ghouls is taking a toll on him. Trump is losing focus, half listening and scatter shooting responses as an attempt to cover all the bases.
    Trump really needs to take step back from the impulse to act like the corporate boss and be more measured and do more research on subject matters that he clearly may not understand. The New York elite mentality has to go. It’s not why he’s got so much support.
    Build the wall, kill government healthcare, fix the military – make America great again, Mr. Trump.

  48. Plain Jane…. You reminded me of an old, funny song, “Beatnik.” It was written by Alice Stuart, for her debut album in 1962. Folk didn’t understand “folk,” Dylan…. the times they were achangin.’ It’s a joke on all the old fogies who didn’t have a clue.

    That’s the same today. Enjoy:

    Poor Alice has not aged well, but here’s her cut, recently, “Big Boss Man”….

    She was/is good. ….Lady in Red

  49. This is what we have become.
    A disenfranchised minority group (babies) are slaughtered by their own parents, parents whose numbers run into the millions, and the idea that there should be a penalty is debatable?
    How did we come to the point where there is so much hatred for this group of people that a million or more killed each year is not a Holocaust?
    No, it is a choice. Hatred and murder are choices.
    As is the choice to accept it.

  50. @ LIR

    Oh my goodness. I did enjoy “Beatnik”- funny. I liked the clean sound of “Freedom’s The Sound” and “Big Boss Man” was really good – good enough that DH came out of the LR to see what I was playing.

    Actually all three pieces of her work that I’ve now heard is clean and uncluttered. I never heard of her before. Thank you for the links. I’ve bookmarked the music and will check out her other work.

    Regarding your previous post, I’m convinced that there are more solid, hard working citizen kids than punks in the universities and high schools. I have to believe that they are busy studying, working (and partying), therefore not newsworthy.

    I like you too, LIR. 🙂

  51. JohnS…. My hope is that you will see your heart, true, to adopt all the little God-sent angels videod while “playing” on the Philly subway system. (see above: City of Brotherly Scum.)

    I have a twitching elbow feeling that you would be the World’s Most Perfect Papa for them.

    And, I wish you all love. ….Lady in Red

  52. Plain Jane…. I discovered her first album (and there are many good folk-type, plus original stuff there) in my husband’s collection.

    Nice man he was, he “re-found” her on the internet, discovered she was a prog lesbian in Seattle, tipped his hat and said good-bye.

    She is very good, but she never made it big. Look at all the stuff on her first album. Her voice is Joan Baez bell-clear, but different. There’s “Seven Beers with the Wrong Woman,” “Stackerlee,” “James Alley Blues,” — my favorite. (I sing it whenever I need someone out of my line of sight. …smile…)

    “James Alley Blues” is a good marker for the times today.
    ….Lady in Red

  53. LIR; thank you.
    Margaret Sanger felt the same way you do.
    Also, the cheek and the jowl are separated by some distance in most people, but if that is not the case for you, I will accept your word on the matter.

  54. Yep. The meme of some is Sanger was a bitch. What can I say? Time’s change. Sometimes, even, people change. (I call her Saint Maggie.)

    I wish you and those kiddies well. …Lady in Red

  55. @ lemmingsrnotusdamnit & John S

    Being pro-life is not the same as being anti-people who have had an abortion or wanting to penalize those who have had abortion(s). Jesus himself stopped a stoning by writing in the sand. I’m sure you know about that scripture.

    I’m not too sure you can dispute my pro-life credentials, because I’ve been a foot soldier in near all aspects of pro-life for four decades.

    You don’t stop abortion at this stage of the game by penalizing. It is a matter of many, many things, but mainly it is by offering better choice, education, encouragement and love, not stoning.

    It is also a matter of protecting children from all sorts of abuse, and we, as a society, have not done that. (Look at how Kinsey has been honored.) It’s also a matter of prayer.

  56. Fur, sorry for the belated reply. I see your point and concur somewhat. My point was not to the moral stance of what Trump said but the legal one.
    You can get in trouble with the law for buying drugs as well as selling them no? The penalty is different but it doesn’t mean it isn’t illegal.

    Please don’t think I am ignorant of the plight of ladies with unexpected and/or unwanted pregnancies especially teenage girls. I grew up in that place and time in Australia and know the horror stories.

  57. A bitch? That’s a new one.
    A staunch racist and classist? Unapologetically.
    Read about how she described white women that would have abortions. She was very open about her belief that the women getting abortions were worthless low life trash that shouldn’t have been trying to reproduce in the first place.
    As I said, I am not surprised that you agree with her. I know your type.
    I would also not be surprised if you have not personally had any of your kids killed.
    After all, you are one of the ‘better” ones.

  58. He might be freaking out a bit – who can blame him.

    puh leaze. that bastard has been believing his own hype since he was a kid. that’s why he got sent to military school


  59. If abortion is finally, rightly, made a crime, why on God’s green earth would you not have a punishment for the mother committing murder? There are plenty of couples willing to adopt babies in the old fashioned way and raise the children as their own with a loving mother and father.

  60. “…has been believing his own hype since hke was a kid.”

    Thanks, Captain Obvious. Hype has got Trump through many doors and he has proven to be more than just talk. Like it or not Trump is very close to being the next president, if the Republican nomination isn’t stolen from him by progressive RINO operatives.

    Try to keep up. Tisk, tisk *yawn*

  61. Be fair, was asked if it was ILLEGAL should there be punishment. Shouldn’t there be consequences for breaking laws? – DT Jr.

    Chris brought up banning, several times, Not Trump, he answered a stupid hypothetical and showed Mathews to be an awful Catholic to boot. This thread was dishonest, I’m a little bummed to see this.

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