Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project ‘will not be funded’ – IOTW Report

Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project ‘will not be funded’


[…] The project, created by Nikole Hannah-Jones, was awarded the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary. However, multiple historians have criticized the series of articles for multiple inaccuracies, including the argument that the American Revolution was fought not to achieve independence from Britain, but to preserve the institution of slavery. more

11 Comments on Trump warns schools teaching 1619 Project ‘will not be funded’

  1. “A Pulitzer Prize winner!” More like a faux-history Soros prize for literature.

    Again fictionalization always sounds like it could be true.

    I hope Pres. Trump can remove funding for this crap.

  2. The lead author admitted that the “research” was a work of journalism, which is another word for activism. Which, in turn, is another word for brainwashing when applied to young developing minds.

    The progressive left are thoroughly disgusting and need to be eradicated.

  3. Rather than telling schools what can and can’t be taught, open education up to competition. IOW vouchers. If a parent wants their children taught 1619, fine, but allow others to send their children to schools that have science orientated curriculums or to maybe your child is mechanically inclined, have the oppo to send him to a vocational school.

    Competition makes all schools better. It’s so simple. The tax dollars allocated for your child by the state for education should be used at the parent’s discretion.

    Everyone wins.

    Well, except the teacher’s unions.

  4. Once again, MASTERFUL two birds with one stone trolling by our great President. He stops (or tries to stop – wait for some libtwit court BS injunction) the propaganda spew and gets the lefties to reveal themselves even more stridently AGAIN.

  5. The project, er ‘SCAM’, created by Nikole Hannah-Jones! She did however win some sort of award which hopefully was a paper document which she can use to wipe her big A$$!

  6. how will anyone know if the parents are not allowed to monitor what goes on in the classrooms?

    public schools stopped being “schools” once the politicians created the department of education.


    Ronny tried to do both! the UNIPARTY defeated him.
    Every year Ronny was president submitted a $0 (will, null, nothing) – 8 straight years – budget for the Dept. Ed.
    1 of the leaders of the other side was a liberal liar named Bob D.
    Ronny (’85 or ”86) submitted a proposed law that would have shifted either 25%or 30% of the K-12 spending from schools to parents in the form of vouchers. “Invisiblehnd of God”!

    again leader of the other side a liberal Dole
    I’m conservative. I did not vote for Dole


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