Trump Was Created With ONE Issue – He Was Given the Gift of Winning This Election With ONE Hillary Statement – IOTW Report

Trump Was Created With ONE Issue – He Was Given the Gift of Winning This Election With ONE Hillary Statement


You touched on it in last night’s debate. Hillary faltered and obfuscated with her rebuttal.

You have her on the ropes with this one. FINISH HER.

The stuff Hillary’s Dreams Are Made Of

Jared E. Peterson for AMERICAN THINKER – Courtesy of what should be an explosive WikiLeaks disclosure we finally know Hillary Clinton’s fondest dream: An America without borders.  It was an amazing confession by Clinton to Brazilian bankers of what the Left desperately longs for but avoids saying in public.

If this huge gaffe had received a fraction of the media attention it merits, Clinton’s campaign might be over.  Even the clueless NeverTrump Rich Lowry noticed it and its potentially poisonous ramifications for Clinton.  As an aside, one wonders why he and his other benighted friends in the NT crowd (Will, Krauthammer, Goldberg et al), don’t notice the terminal demographic problems HRC’s sure pursuit of her dream will cause their future ideologically pure conservative presidential candidate.

If the Trump team has the judgment, guts and talent to give this gift from Clinton the full Lee Atwater treatment, the unpleasant consequences for “Open Borders Hillary” could be huge, even at this late date.

It goes without saying that America’s Goebbels media has made no mention of this revelation — potentially the most momentous to date from Wikileaks.  So, if the electorate is going to learn about Clinton’s astounding dream of America’s dissolution, Trump’s campaign will have to hit her gaffe hard, plain and often.

The words are out of her mouth — Clinton will never again be able to credibly claim any intention to secure the nation’s borders or to stop or even reduce the massive illegal invasion of America that will be the enduring legacy of the Obama years.

No prior major party candidate for the American presidency has come close to expressing the goal of abolishing America’s borders, more a nightmare than a dream to the overwhelming majority of Americans, 83%,  according to Pew Research.

We all know that in her vision of an America without borders, Clinton sees enduring one party rule by the Left, while America’s corporate and banking elite envisions low labor costs forever.

We also know that middle and working class Americans see something else:

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19 Comments on Trump Was Created With ONE Issue – He Was Given the Gift of Winning This Election With ONE Hillary Statement

  1. HRC is a reflection of 47% of America.
    As is Obola.

    Let that sink in.

    Can a nation survive with 47% of its constituency adhered to lies and moral depravity? To corruption and theft?
    But can a Republic?

    izlamo delenda est …

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