Trump Was Never Shot – IOTW Report

Trump Was Never Shot

ht/ JD Hasty

24 Comments on Trump Was Never Shot

  1. I am in no way advocating for Google to be burned to the ground, but I fart in their general direction and will happily hoist a glass should the aforementioned conflagration ever occur.

  2. “I am in no way advocating for Google to be burned to the ground”

    Why not? That’s what it’s going to take to stop the propaganda and the manipulation.

  3. The sight of Trump popping up with a raised fist and the crowd immediately going nuts, blood running down his face, scares these assholes so bad that their sphincters are so clamped they’ll never shit again.

  4. ^ I feel bad for their thousands of engineers, who, if the truth be told, are as Conservative as anyone here. They’ve got some good engineers – yeah, I know (as I point out a lot) and some badly thought-out code, as well.

  5. The weirdest conspiracy is that Trump staged the whole thing. You can bring back Carlos Hathcock from the great beyond, put him 130 yards away, and you still couldn’t pay me enough money to just have my ear grazed.

  6. Pogo

    I don’t trust Firefox either. I think they’ve been infiltrated by Google. There’s a couple new ones out there that are supposed to be really good but I have not had time to research them.

  7. Brad – one of their dilemmas is that many of them went to work there before Google became so political (~2016 w/Schmidt). If they’ve got big mortgages in placed like Califuckia or Seeallaya, hard to do. I often wonder how many have left on principle. Just like working for the Federal Government: you’re damned if you do, and we’re damned if you don’t. (“You” being someone we WANT in government.)

  8. “their sphincters are so clamped they’ll never shit again.”

    Their butts are clenched so tight it would take a tractor to pull a needle out of there.

  9. For what it’s worth I use DDG and Yandex. Yandex pulls up a lot of truther websites and alternative medicine sites. If you want to search for a cancer cure, use Yandex.

  10. I use Google. I don’t like Google. I also use TP and snot rags which I also don’t care much for. Googol is a very large number – 10 to the hundredth power. It’s useful for mathemeticians and scientists. It is maybe a bigger number than the total of all the atoms in the universe.

    Google is a noise a baby makes. Or big eyes a guy makes when he sees a good-lookin’ dame. That’s all I have to say about it.

  11. MSM Spin: The shooter was after SS Fuhrer Cheatle cause he heard she was there. The shooter hates women in power. He thought Cheatle was that rotund little female SS person. Luckily he missed and shot Trump instead.

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