Trump – “Was that a man or a woman?” – IOTW Report

Trump – “Was that a man or a woman?”

“He needs a haircut more than I do.”

14 Comments on Trump – “Was that a man or a woman?”

  1. Trumps’ pursed lips and expression as he waits till the socialist loser is escorted out is priceless and hysterical. He’s such a character! Dummy editorial cartoonist hate him but love to draw him and that makes them even nuttier. I’m sure there is a positive cartoon depiction of DJT but I’ve yet to find it.

  2. I watched that and the clown being shuffled off had the hair on the back of his head in a bun. Couldn’t see but I’m sure he had painted nails and ear hoops along with lipstick and eyeliner. Typical leftist freak.
    Trump just destroy’s him. Funny

  3. @Val.

    That sign man bun was displaying is a young Donald Trump posing with Jeffrey Epstein and it said WHO IS JEFFREY EPSTEIN?

    That’s rich considering the close relationship Epstein has with Bill Clinton, shuttling the former president several times on his private jet, the Lolita Express to his island of pedophile pleasures.

  4. 5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.“ There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
    6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.“ They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

    Alinsky, you magnificent bastard, he read your book!
    apologies to Gen Patton

  5. The man was escorted while unmolested from any Trump supporters. If this had been a leftist protest and he was a conservative he probably would have been beaten to death.

  6. @ PHenry – the Left are MASTERS of Projection.

    We just witnessed a piece of smelly, dirty filthy, scum and would not be surprised to find out he is part of Antifa-gs.



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