Trump Will Remain President, No Matter What, Because The Alternative To Trump Is Horrendous – IOTW Report

Trump Will Remain President, No Matter What, Because The Alternative To Trump Is Horrendous

I’m sure my headline will upset people who think Trump has never did anything wrong and will suspiciously ask, “what do you mean by ‘no matter what”?

What I mean is that there are plenty of people who do not love Trump but will continue to support him.

Name a “scandal.”

Russian collusion.

Stormy Daniels.



With each event the left has convinced themselves, like Dr. Bellows with Major Nelson, that “this time, we got him!”

And then his polling goes higher, frustrating the hell out of them. They can’t figure it out.

What is the left’s fatal flaw?

They have no idea how loathed their party has become to mainstream America. The democrats have been overrun by America-hating socialists who we’ve all seen burning American flags and blaming the straight-white male for every ill in the Western hemisphere.

I’m not sure the left is embracing a winning strategy. No, I am sure. And the proof will be this November.


Story HERE.

16 Comments on Trump Will Remain President, No Matter What, Because The Alternative To Trump Is Horrendous

  1. Golly. Maybe Trump is doing exactly what he was elected to do. That’s difficult for the left to grasp. They are used to failed campaign promises from a weak limp wristed community organizer.

  2. The whole election system is corrupt, from ballot access to lost ballots to faulty voting machines that always fault to the left. Participating in such a corrupt system is abhorrent to me.

    But I’m sure as Hell going to vote anyway.

  3. The problem for the far left progsocs is their numbers. There aren’t as many of them as the MSM portrays. Thus the photoshopped Hillary rallies while hiding the huge turnout at Trump rallies.

    Everyone needs to show up to vote in November. While the progsocs are few in number, the dead,illegal aliens, and the sellouts who depend on Demonrat largess are not. Monster vote time.

  4. I do not believe that Trump has never done anything wrong. However, considering that people condemn him for whatever he does, I am going to assume he has done the right thing until proven otherwise. He has a much better track record than his critics.

  5. All Aboard
    Another mile or two to Frisco
    Two hundred gallons from LA
    The engines thumping like a disco
    Their gonna dump Pelosi in the Bay
    Look out over here
    Radiator running dry
    Watch out over there
    Can’t afford a blowout
    Cause they haven’t got a spare

  6. The funny thing about Trump is, the more the leftward media attacks him, the more the people like him. He’s being picked on unfairly and that just exposes the media as bullies and rallies America toward Trump.

    The crowd at VFW in Missouri loved him today.

    Look out Claire McCaskill. You’re going to be cashiered in November.

  7. That article sums up the situation very well. We have discussed ad nauseum here how disconnected from reality the libtards are, which explains much of their current behavior.

  8. I hope POTUS finds a true non-swampy VP next time. I do not trust Pence or any other career politician. He may well be to Trump what Bush was to Reagan.

    I’m JustAl and I approve this message!

  9. Interesting comment in article about the 18% that didn’t like either candidate but went with the one who’s policies they liked. Bet Trump picks up even more support now people are seeing positive results. I know many that still don’t like him as a person but sure do like what the market is doing for their portfolios.

  10. To date Don is far from being a great President. But to date is is head + shoulders above the 2 horrible Presidents opening the 21st century .

    But DEm anti America is not new. It has been around at least 60 years. Those of us who were undergrads in ’63 – and into politics – will never forget the Dem/progressive thug Mario Savio!
    And then the SoCal thug Tom Hayden who for a few years was married into the Communist America hating Fonda Clan.
    Some folk said that Fonda helped elect “Tricky Dick” in 68. which supports your lead – in 2020! Again – Don is much better than the 2 lefties who preceded him; but not great.

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