Trump Will Win This Fight For the Wall – IOTW Report

Trump Will Win This Fight For the Wall


President Trump posted a video to Twitter on Thursday in which he accused the Democrats of being “absolute hypocrites” on border security and his wall, using clips from numerous high-profile Democrats to support his point.


8 Comments on Trump Will Win This Fight For the Wall

  1. Not so sure. “Essential Services” are covered. Welfare, Obamyphones, LIRs next abortion, etc. What’s not covered is actually replacement parts for the Military and the peeps that manufacture them. Like me. Don’t get me wrong, I realize what needs to be done here and I’m 100% behind DJT. I’m just not seeing anything that’s lights a sense of urgency under Libtard assholes.

  2. Don’t forget what came out of Joe K the III”s sweaty stinky pussy: “Build A Wall And My Generation Will Tear It Down.” I have no doubt that they will eventually do it and probably sooner than we think if it ever gets built.

  3. Itemize all the ‘perks’ these government weasels all lavish themselves with, and then CANCEL them all.
    Press corp Xmas Parties, free bowling, free haircuts, air transportation to their Districts, security details, bullshit press conferences, foreign travel of no legitimate purpose, campaign mailings at the public’s expense…. et mult al

    Total the value, reveal that huge number to the people, and then apply it to a wall.
    Politicians love to claim there’s no money for the wall. Yeah, because they spend it on their self-important selves.
    Then, total all the expenses and the illegitimate benefits spent on FOREIGNERS! A wall keeping the parasites OUT would yield a direct savings.


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