Trump Wins – I Travel Into the Future and Return To Review His First Four Years – IOTW Report

Trump Wins – I Travel Into the Future and Return To Review His First Four Years

Donald Trump wins the 2016 election. This is an overview of his record after his first 4 years.

I guess NeverTrump had a point. Trump’s record looks terrible.

-In his first year Trump follows through on his promise to slash taxes, but, sadly, federal employment goes up. Trump adds 60,000 federal jobs, growing, not shrinking, government.

-Trump grows the national debt by more than 4 times the size.

-Trump raises taxes in the 2nd, third and 4th years of his presidency.

-Trump uses new payroll taxes to expand Medicare.

-Trump locks up millions of acres of land and designates it federally owned as a part of new Wilderness Protection Act.

-Trump expands on background checks and waiting periods, making it more difficult for an American to purchase a firearm.

-Trump signs legislation granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

-After a slaughter of nearly 300 American soldiers in Beirut, Trump refuses to send in a surge of military, instead withdrawing the soldiers who are there.

-Israel takes out an Iranian nuclear power plant that they maintain was operating to make fissionable material to build an atomic weapon. Trump condemns the Israeli mission.

-Trump invites openly gay couples to stay overnight in the white house to sway public opinion and normalize gay relationships, and gay marriage.

-Trump’s first SCOTUS pick upholds Roe V. Wade.

In short, Trump’s first term is a yuge disaster, just as the conservatively pure and principled NeverTrump predicted. Time to eat some crow.



*Many readers have already figured out that the descriptions of events above already happened. They describe Ronald Reagan’s record as president.

What’s my point?

They are aiding a Hillary presidency (which will be much, much worse than Reagan’s record, I can assure you) because they fear Trump will be too much like…. Reagan.

Still time to get your minds right. Get out there and vote for Reag…errr… Trump.




4 Comments on Trump Wins – I Travel Into the Future and Return To Review His First Four Years

  1. -Trump signs legislation granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

    Reagan signed the amnesty on 2 million illegals with the understanding that there would be NO MORE AMNESTY. The bill was sold to him by the DEMOcraps as a one time thing. Imagine that, the Left lies.


  2. Actually, you described what we could expect from Hillary.
    I believe Trump will run a much leaner government, and will kick many contractors off the dole.
    And will restore relations with Great Britain and Israel.
    And he will win reelection.

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