Trump Working to Release Rapper A$AP Rocky From Swedish Jail – IOTW Report

Trump Working to Release Rapper A$AP Rocky From Swedish Jail

Epoch Times:
President Donald Trump told reporters at the White House on July 19 that he is trying to secure the release of American rapper A$AP Rocky who was arrested in Sweden.

Trump made the revelation amid a White House event to commemorate the anniversary of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing.

The president said the issue was first brought to his attention by his wife, as well as his African-American friends who had personally called him for help to release the rapper—whose real name is Rakim Mayers.

“Actually, the one that knew about A$AP Rocky first was our First Lady. She told me, ‘Can you help A$AP Rocky?’” Trump said before asking Melania if she wanted to make a statement.

[…] According to Politico, Rocky was arrested on July 2 after he turned himself into authorities for questioning about a street fight he was apparently involved in.

A person close to the rapper told Politico that Rocky and his entourage were in Stockholm for a music festival and “minding their own business” while walking in the city when they were verbally harassed by two men that had started following them. A fight later broke out. MORE

SNIP: Who???
I don’t know.
But if he’s one of ours and jailed under BS charges, then we want him released. Let’s hope he’s appreciative. And for his sake, let’s hope Kim ‘I’m going to law skool’ Kardashian isn’t representing him.

Poor Sweden- They seem to be having a lot of problems during their music festivals lately, don’t they?

19 Comments on Trump Working to Release Rapper A$AP Rocky From Swedish Jail

  1. By defending himself from migrant Muslims attacking him, A$AP committed a serious crime in Sweden, no matter hard he tried to avoid the confrontation without violence.

  2. ANNDDD Trump siphons off another percentage point of the dems supposedly impenetrable black vote. Heh… The guy is a genius. Eat your heart out Never Trumpers!


  3. Similarly to the Roman Empire, any assault against an American should be considered an act of war. We should destroy a city in Sweden every day until his release – then try him in an American court.

    It’s only fair.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Excuse me but… isn’t Iran rattling it’s saber?

    Yet some rapper who likely wears his trousers around his knees gets serious Presidential attention?
    The fucker can’t be detained for a few days while it’s sorted out?
    I’m sorry but it’s likely safer than Chicago.

    P R I O R I T I E S

  5. Oh, for goodness sake, it’s not like this “rapper” is in a Chinese jail. Besides, there are probably only Swedes jailed, not Islamic jihadi. He’ll be fine. Doubt he’ll surrender his race card when he’s rescued by the “racist” Orangeman.
    BTW, President Trump proves once again leftist narratives – Trump’s a racist and the United States is the worst place on Earth are complete lies.

  6. I’ve seen some video of this event – they “Swedes” (Muslims) follow strangers and try to shake them down for cash. A$AP Rocky and his entourage repeatedly asked the two young men to stop following them. They failed to comply and got their butts kicked.

    “Don’t want none, don’t start none.”


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