Trump yanks Pelosi’s international trip after she pulled a power play by postponing his SOTU address – IOTW Report

Trump yanks Pelosi’s international trip after she pulled a power play by postponing his SOTU address


President Donald Trump hit back at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday, claiming in a letter that he had postponed planned congressional trips abroad to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan because of the government shutdown.

The remarkable counter-punch came in the form of a terse letter to Pelosi blasted out to reporters and promoted by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Twitter. It marked the president’s first public response to Pelosi’s Wednesday morning request to postpone the annual State of the Union address at the end of the month, citing security concerns stemming from the lengthy shutdown

“Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed,” Trump wrote. “We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate.”


ht/ jerry manderin

89 Comments on Trump yanks Pelosi’s international trip after she pulled a power play by postponing his SOTU address

  1. SanFranNan still doesn’t know who she’s dealing with.
    Trump essentially told her “You’re fired”.

    I haven’t laughed this hard in quite some time.

    Bring it Nancy. You shriveled and brain damaged vessel of satan. Bring it.

  2. I’ve got a dental appointment that was supposed to start 5 minutes ago so they are going to have to wipe the smile off of my face.

    Democrats aren’t used to Republicans fighting back. Hell, neither am I but, hot damn, I love it!

    Show some respect and you’ll get some Nasty San Fran Nan.

    Lispy can clutch his pearls all he wants. Pelosi said she was cancelling the SotU address. Pull the stick out of your ass and beat her to death with it.

  3. Why is the house speaker going on a world tour? Is she just trying to skip out of country before more people realize she needs to be strung up 🤔.she has nothing to offer Nato or other leaders but for them to see a live clown up close and in person. As trump said if you want to go then pay for a ticket out of your own purse and not on the U.S.dime….

  4. Both sides have put themselves in a win or lose only position, no compromises allowed.

    No compromises because whoever does the compromising is the loser in the game.

    If it were Trump alone I would bet on him, but he has to have the Republicans solidly behind him to pull it off and I really don’t have much faith in the Republicans (maybe just a few of them). This leaves him in the position of being opposed by both Pelosi and the Democrats and a significant number of the more powerful Republican leaders.

    I hope Trump wins, but at this point I’m not willing to bet on it. A “face saving” compromise is the outcome I see most likely at this point, and that means a loss for Trump since it will mean no wall.

    The Left is best at attacking and winning in conflicts while the Right is best at retreating and running away. I expect both sides to do what they are best at.

  5. Let me echo everyone else. Do these people ever do any work? What in hell good reason could they possibly have for taking foreign trips on the taxpayer dime. We have a President and State Department for this.

  6. Nancy Francisco just met Dirty Harry on the Streets of San Feces and she’s wondering how many bullets he has left in the most powerful handgun in the world. Now, Nancy has to ask herself if she’s feeling lucky.

  7. Gee Nancy, taxpayers money is taxpayers money, not yours to spend on your BS vacations to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan.
    Note to Nancy:
    None of those locations are in the US.
    Marco, nice mention: Now, she has to ask herself if she’s feeling lucky.
    Nancy asked: “yous got to tell me’
    Dirty Trump’s response was,

  8. And now they are whining about his trip to Iraq during the shutdown, The same trip that they were crowing that he’d never been to a war zone, there’d be no Christmas with the troops, blah blah blah and then suddenly he was there in Iraq. Cry me a f–king federal judge, Steny.

    The NPC Media may purge their memory banks every news cycle, but deplorables never forget.

  9. When the inevitable howling begins, someone in the White House should summarize all the abuse of the military aircraft, crews and the travel budget (to include all the fancy food and drink) Pelosi committed during the oscuma years when she last was Speaker – and “accidentally” release it to the “press”. The “press”, of course, would attempt to suppress the report but I’d bet Sarah Sanders, et. al., can figure a way to make it irresistible.

  10. “The Left is best at attacking and winning in conflicts while the Right is best at retreating and running away. I expect both sides to do what they are best at.”

    That is a damn fool statement if ever there was one. The Republican establishment are progressives. There is way more in common between Democrats and establishment Republicans than there is between establishment Republicans and Constitutional conservatives. The Republican establishment and the Democrats are allies and both are at war ideologically with Constitutional conservatives. Any sparring they do is for show only. It is nothing but second rate Kabuki theater.

  11. “Trump’s decision is likely to dramatically increase tensions with congressional Democrats, who were already at odds with the White House…”

    Note: Democrats are at war with the White House, not the Republican establishment. Fact of the matter is… the Republican establishment and the Democrats have been conspiring against the White House. I absolutely guarantee it.

    Actually, let’s put a face on the Republican establishment. Mitt Romney has been leading a group of establishment Republicans who have been working in the shadows to undermine the White House.

  12. President Trump just hinted at what he can do to bulldoze his opposition: how many times over does Congress irresponsibly blow $5Billion dollars?!

    He can start exposing all the waste and fraud that these jerks perpetrate regularly. How much do the taxpayers pay for security so these jerks can CAMPAIGN in their home districts? Pull that security. They can pay it personally, or lose their incumbent advantage.

  13. I wish the president had allowed the trip to continue as scheduled. Just use a different aircraft. A C-141 or C-130, just like our troops travel in. Web bench seats, bare metal floors and enough noise to leave your head ringing for hours afterward. Oh, and just enough heat so you don’t freeze to death.

    It’s government transportation Nancy, just like you requested.

  14. I’ll bet she’s still screeching over this. There’s really no answer to what the President said and she knows it. Her best response would be to thank the President for his concern and leave it at that but you know she won’t.

  15. Gateway Panic says the NPC House junketeers were driving aimlessly around the Capitol in the bus which was supposed to take them to the plane. So glad Trump waited until they were all on the bus before he clipped their wings.

  16. President Trump is the awesome! LOLOLOL!
    Nasty Nance got a taste of her own medicine. Didn’t go down so well.
    BTW, if she thinks this is Trump’s best move, she ain’t seen nothing yet.

  17. Man, I would’ve loved to see the look on her face when she got the memo…
    A Republican president, actually pulling his weight and being morally superior? Say it isn’t so, Nancy! ;b

  18. NO! Send her to Afghanistan!
    We’ll pay for it!
    Just alter coordinates and have it land on a back-mountain dirt airstrip deep in the heart of Taliban country!
    And video the arrival! 👍

  19. She was going to subvert our current foreign policy and conduct her own, without State Dept. Approval, to undermine the President.

    You know. What Carter Page and Michael Flynn were surveilled and indicted for doing.

  20. I watched MSNBC and CNN to enjoy the hissy fits and I was not disappointed. One bint was crying about the fact that it was just so imperative that this delegation be able to speak to their counterparts abroad (for 30 minutes or so to justify a few days of shopping and fine restaurants). I say if it’s so vital that they speak, they should PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE.

  21. @old_oaks I wouldn’t bet they represent the people living in the USA. Haven’t seen much evidence of it for a long time that it’s any priority. The overseas trip was to go see their priority constituents. Or their priority after themselves

  22. These fellow coup traitors along with Pelosi should have been put on the USAF plane and flown to Gitmo to stay. By what legal right does any Congress member have to forbid the President from addressing the American people? The US Congress needs to be purged of all the Communist/Marxist America haters using their positions to destroy the Constitutional Republic.

  23. These Democrat codels are for one reason and one reason only: to undermine and sabotage our America First policies around the globe. Just as Kerry has been doing with Iraq and Turkey, Pelosi and her cohort will seek ways to muddle POTUS Trump’s message and meddle as if a separate U.S. government — a shadow U.S. government. She is seeking ways to prop up her globalist counterparts in Brussels and among other globalists who are fighting off their respective nationalists. Trump should just cancel all future prospects for Pelosi and company. There is absolutely no good justification for a California senator to make these round robin visits with international officials.

    And on Pelosi’s use of military jets for commuting: Remember this?

    “According to previous documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, the Speaker’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over a two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol. For example, purchases for one Pelosi-led congressional delegation traveling from Washington, DC, through Tel Aviv, Israel to Baghdad, Iraq May 15-20, 2008 included: Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewar’s scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, Corona beer and several bottles of wine.”

    ““Pelosi’s abusive use of military aircraft demonstrates a shocking lack of regard for the American taxpayer and the men and women who serve in the U.S. Air Force. Speaker Pelosi may have a frequent flyer record for taxpayer-financed luxury jet travel,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.”

    Looks like SanFranNan is expecting to carry on business as usual. Guess what, Nancy? Trump’s in the oval now. I imagine it’s hard to fathom a president who gives a damn.


  24. The other wonderful thing about this is that Trump just told the world who (which party) is still in charge! LOL!!

    Who’s gonna work with me to get this great guy re-elected?!

  25. Oh My Heavens!! What a day, what a day!!

    You’ve got Occasional Cortex and her “comrades” running around today trying to stalk McConnell and they end up in the wrong office, and then you’ve got the leader of the House and her “comrades” circling the block while the duplicitous press/media chase after them with their videographers! And then SanFranNan barricades herself in her congressional office because the hall is filled with her Louis Vitton luggage and the press.

    Who’s clown show is it now, you freakin’ Democrat idiots?! hahahahahahahhhhhhaaaaa — (deep inhale) — hahahahahhaahahahahahaaaaa!!

  26. That would be a great big affirmative from us!! Always great to have something FUN to look forward to. Guns are good. Fishing poles are even better 🙂

    We love you and the Mrs., too, BB.

  27. AA- “…Are you saying my comment is too long or something?”

    au contraire. It was very well done.
    Not quite as well done as President Trump’s letter to nanzi, but still a very good read.

  28. @ AA: Thanks for that “long post”. Did the work I had asked someone to do. I’ve copied it and will save it for future use.

    BTW, good shootin’ and fishin” in lots of places in MT. If you come over this way, PLEASE let me know.


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