Why would politicians want to change a system that’s totally rigged in order to keep them in power? That’s what they’re doing, folks. Why would politicians want to change a system that’s made them and their friends very, very wealthy? I beat a rigged system, by winning with overwhelming support. The only way you could have done it. Landslides all over the country, with every demographic on track to win 37 primary caucus victories in a field that began with 17 very talented people.

After years of disappointment, there’s one thing we all have learned. We can’t fix the rigged system by relying on — and I mean this so, so strongly — the very people who rigged it. And they rigged it. And do not ever think anything differently. We can’t solve our problems by counting on the politicians who created our problems.

Donald J. Trump

[ ReaganBaby]:
MB) A National Review By, For and Of the Few

William F. Buckley, the Founder of National Review, once said, “I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard.”  The American people continue to uprise against the elitist deal makers in Washington DC–many Harvard alums who have given us $19 trillion dollars in debt, with no end to the spending in sight. As the American people continue to see large chunks of their hard-earned checks being taken by the government, they are also seeing large portions of their checks being taken by rising costs associated with big government.  Although Obamacare promised to reduce premiums, healthcare premiums are up 20%-60% and are expected to have another double-digit spike in 2017.  Soaring property taxes “for the children” are instead used to offset unfunded pension liabilities.  In Nashville TN,  a 50% spike in immigrant students has resulted in 120 different languages being spoken in the Metro school district.  So far, a $38 million budget has been proposed and approved to solve this issue,  but the legislators admit that have “no clue” how they are going to pay for it. Their constituents have a clue!

The middle class continues to shrink in an economy that barely produced 1 job for every 8000 people, and yet the growing entitlement class continues to demand more free stuff while some are paid to assault and intimidate the very people who are forced to fund a rigged system. New generational thieves of illegal and legal Democrat voters refuse to assimilate or simply refuse to face the economic and security consequences of a centralized, powerful government and a broken immigration system–a system rigged and run by progressives in both parties.

However, many Americans, like our country, are brokeMost Americans are outraged. If these Americans had an objective press, one who would report the facts, instead of conspiring with or against the leading presidential candidates, Americans would then be armed with the truth to make an informed decision.  If conservative American voters weren’t betrayed by those who hide behind the image of Reagan but support the policies of Barack Obama; if these conservative americans weren’t disparaged, insulted and ridiculed by the likes of many in the GOP and the #NeverTrump movement, maybe Trump wouldn’t be in the lead. But then again, neither would Jeb!,  or Mitt, or Bill Kristol’s last desperate pick to “save the world and conservatism,” David French.  MORE


  1. The time for the GOP establishment to whine and do something about Donald Trump was about 20 years ago. And given the attitude and performance of the GOP over the last eight years, the eventual rise of Trump, or an outsider like him was inevitable.

    The GOP should have gotten a clue when the more establishment type candidates – Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Graham, Paul – failed to gain any traction early in the primary season.

  2. The Republicans are just as corrupt as the Demonrats.
    The only difference is in degree – and in the fact that a lot of Republicans have no interest in destroying your life – only in stealing your money.

    No system is corruption-free. Autocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy can all morph into despotism by the vileness of the participants and the reluctance of the “ruled” to be rid of them. The lessons of History are no longer given air by the jackbooted union thugs parading as “teachers.” The lessons of History are clear – and the totalitarians fear them.

    izlamo delenda est …

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