Trump/Russian Connection in Kebab Truck – IOTW Report

Trump/Russian Connection in Kebab Truck

A Russian in Montana has named his kebab truck Doner Trump.

We don’t know exactly what this means but it is worth investigating. CNN is on it.

Furthermore, the truck owner’s wife is a Muslim and he’s half-Muslim half-Jewish. Also worth investigating. It doesn’t make any sense, but Chris Cuomo is now unraveling it by “just asking questions.”

Trump haters in the town are vowing not to eat from the truck. Unfortunately for the haters, Trump carried Billings, Montana by 60%.


“If you asked what is Döner Trump like, I would say really friendly customer service, natural and healthy food,” he said. “And quantity and price is fair.”

Even so, it seems he did have an inkling that the name might raise some eyebrows. “Good or bad,” he said, “it would still be advertising.”

He said he likes “shaking people up,” and he enjoys conversation about virtually anything, controversial or not. Which might be the best reason to give Döner Trump a try. Saifullin is smart, intense and knowledgeable, and chances are that you’ve never met anyone like him.

He is 28, a Tatar born in Russia and raised in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Dubai and India. He speaks Kazak, Hindi, English, Turkish and Russian, he said, and his father is Jewish, his mother Muslim.

Saifullin said he and his wife, Zulfira, a Kazak, both earned college degrees in Kazakhstan, he a bachelor’s in foreign language translation and she a bachelor’s in business and a master’s degree in tourism. They met while working for an American company in Kazakhstan.

He described his wife, a Muslim, as “very positive, very close to God.” For his own part, he said, raised in a mixed-religion family and then having lived in so many countries, where he visited churches, temples, mosques and shrines, “I decided religion is not for me.”

He believes in God, he said, just not in any particular religion. “If I’m honest, that’s better,” he said. “God wants people to be honest.”

Is that a scimitar??

Zulfira had been to Billings many times to shop, Saifullin said, so she was familiar with the town, and Billings topped their list when they thought of leaving for the United States.

“The most important thing was the people,” Saifullin said. “The people and the nature and the cost of living.”

They moved here in the fall of 2015 after Zulfira was awarded a visa under the Diversity Visa Program. A State Department website said a limited number of such visas are set aside for immigrants “from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States.”

They hope to gain citizenship eventually, but meanwhile they are here under permanent residency status. That means they can’t vote but have all the other rights and obligations of American citizens. Their second daughter, now 9 months old, was born in Billings.

Saifullin said he worked as a server in restaurants through his college years, and when he came to Billings he worked for several restaurants, including Dos Machos and the Bull Mountain Grill. And he and his wife have both always loved to cook.


This is how immigration is supposed to work. Yet progstains hate this couple. He supports the United States, is hardworking, his wife is hardworking, he supports Trump.

These are the ones the progs would like to deport.

And now I want a gyro.

ht/ illustr8r

15 Comments on Trump/Russian Connection in Kebab Truck

  1. I’m suspicious enough of muzzies right now I wouldn’t make any assumptions about assimilation yet. Are they bringing in their families, you know, in-laws and outlaws? Taqiyya anyone? I’m not buying it.

  2. Doner?? WTH, is he trying to pass himself off as one of Santa’s special pets??
    My personal opinion is being reserved simply because muslims have already proven their worth. And, it doesn’t amount to shit.

  3. These types of food trucks and stands are all over the mid-east and europe – kind of like Hot Dog stands.

    I applaud these guys – they are working after all and probably don’t have obamer phones.

  4. The communists call themselves democrats.

    The rinos call themselves conservatives.

    If they grew up in a muzzie culture, do not really
    identify with it, and don’t give a shit about the koran?
    I’d buy him a beer over a bbq.

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