Trump’s Cabinet Nominations So Far – IOTW Report

Trump’s Cabinet Nominations So Far

Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson

Defense: James N Mattis

US ambassador to the UN: Nikki Haley

Homeland security: John F Kelly

Interior: Cathy McMorris Rodgers

CIA director: Mike Pompeo

Transportation: Elaine Chao

Treasury: Steven Mnuchin

Education: Betsy DeVos

Attorney general: Jeff Sessions

Small business administration: Linda McMahon

Labor: Andrew F Puzder

Health and human services: Tom Price

Housing and urban development: Ben Carson

Environmental protection agency: Scott Pruitt

Commerce: Wilbur Ross

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not requiring confirmation:

Chief of staff: Reince Priebus

Chief strategist: Steve Bannon

National security adviser: Michael Flynn


9 Comments on Trump’s Cabinet Nominations So Far

  1. @Norman Einstein — I posted a video of Tillerson in the BP today. It’s a speech he gave to the Boy Scouts of America and offers a lot of insight to the man. There are other vid of him giving speeches and at forums (finance, business-related) on YT, too. I like what I see.

  2. An outstanding list, far better than we could have hoped for. But one name is an exception: we need to watch DeVos carefully. She was strongly allied with the educrats behind Common Core, and her vague recent comments sound like a shell game, replacing only the name but keeping devoted to “strong national standards “.

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