Trump’s Deal With Chuck and Nancy – IOTW Report

Trump’s Deal With Chuck and Nancy

This week the president did his job and looked out for the American people by cutting a deal to lift the debt ceiling for 3 months and receiving more money for hurricane relief. He made his deal not with congressional republicans, but with democrats, and the move has everyone speculating about what it means for the long term of Washington maneuvering.

Pat Buchanan’s take Here

Ben Domenech sees what the President is doing to the do-nothing Republican congress


It’s going to be an interesting three months in congress.

17 Comments on Trump’s Deal With Chuck and Nancy

  1. A good warning shot by Trump across the bows of McConnell and Ryan–if you guys can’t get it done, I’ll start working with Democrats. This strategy isn’t going to hurt Trump at all. Republicans who voted for him can see the Congressional dysfunction of Ryan and McConnell, and Trump is likely to pick up any moderate Democrats frustrated by Washington’s intransigence and identity politics. Woe to Congressional Republicans come next fall.

  2. As much as I can’t stand that pelosi and schumer come out of this with momentum, I can understand that Trump has had it with the establishment elephants. Bannon is out there saying that mcconnell demanded no more “drain the swamp” talk. What a stinking bastard mcconnell is!

  3. Trump should make a demand: either you quit, or I’ll ask the RNC not to help fund your campaign, and if they do, I’ll campaign against you for your primary opponent.

  4. In our current situation, there is basically no difference in dealing with Chuck and Nancy than with Ryan and Mitch. Each swamp dweller is representing their respective Big Tech, Big Media, Wall Street and Corporate interests, not those of the American people.

    I hope Trump is leveraging their competing interests against one another (manipulating them) to move his agenda forward.

  5. Are Chuck and Nancy more trustworthy that Ryan and Turtle Boy?

    Yes by a bunch. Ryan and Turtle Boy are back stabbing disruptive pieces of crap that pretend to be on our side but want like no other to see this President and his agenda fail.

  6. “The Art of Doing Deals With the Enemies of America”
    O.K., let’s see, what has Donnie Nation-wide actually done, besides nominate a judge?

    Get ready for 3 more years of orange Obama with funny hair. Enjoy, ex-“conservatives”!

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