Trump’s Economy: Super Saturday Recorded Highest Sales Of Any Day In U.S. History – IOTW Report

Trump’s Economy: Super Saturday Recorded Highest Sales Of Any Day In U.S. History


More evidence of the strong U.S. economy during the Trump administration came over last weekend, as sales across the country on Saturday reached the highest level ever recorded.

Bloomberg reported, “Holiday shopping set records over the weekend, with Super Saturday sales reaching $34.4 billion, the biggest single day in U.S. retail history, according to Customer Growth Partners.” Craig Johnson, president of Customer Growth Partners, credited job growth and the abundance of disposable income for the record-setting day, adding, “Paced by the ‘Big Four’ mega-retailers — Walmart, Amazon, Costco and Target — Super Saturday was boosted by the best traffic our team has seen in years.”


7 Comments on Trump’s Economy: Super Saturday Recorded Highest Sales Of Any Day In U.S. History

  1. And it could have been 36-37 billions if Macy’s had the foresight to stock more original milk chocolate Frango mints!!

    Geoff C. did the last minute grocery shopping this year and had to go to three stores just to find green beans, whipping cream, chives, puff pastry and shitake mushrooms (considered a staple in Seattle)! Who’s the idiot store manager who runs out of whipping cream the day before Christmas?! He said it was like living in a natural disaster zone. Every shelf and bin was plucked bare. No stocking stuffers, no candles, no nuthin’! America’s retailers weren’t prepared for the voracious desires of the heretofore broke middle class. Trump’s magic wand sure has a lot of good ju ju in it!


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