Trump’s Fault – IOTW Report

Trump’s Fault

76 Comments on Trump’s Fault

  1. When did Trump supporters close down a Bernie or Hillary rally? When did Trump supporters organize to heckle Bernie and Hillary?
    When did Trump supporters rush the stage Bernie or Hillary were on?

    It’s long past time to make America great again.

  2. Keep this man, his family, his staff and his secret service in your prayers
    throughout each and every single day.

    He knows how dangerous this is and still he does it anyway.

  3. Obama’s America.

    Is it a coincidence that this coordinated attack on Trump from all sides –, BLM, media, Cruz, Rubio – happens days after the meeting at Sea Island between tech billionaires and the political elite “conservatives” McConnell, Rove, Ryan – to stop Trump?

  4. What happened to that Trump?
    Where did he go?
    I know where he went. He has no need to do any more rallies now that he has his surrogates standing in for him.
    They have a better chance of delivering him the votes he needs than he does. They have already turned his poll numbers around.

  5. Kasich is the only one besides Sanders who blames Trump for the violence.

    “In a statement that Gov. John Kasich’s campaign released Friday night, Kasich said ‘the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign has finally bore fruit, and it was ugly.’ ”

    Cruz did not do this. He laid the responsibility for the violence squarely on the leftists AND pointed out that Trump’s “punch that guy” type comments can only make the situation worse. That is true.

    I don’t mind Trump playing this game by the rules Obama laid down since ’08. I’m actually fine with it. Trump just needs to come out and say that that’s what he’s doing so everyone gets it.

  6. The weeweed off, demon brat RINO’s must be doing unto Trump as they did unto Chris McDaniels in Mississippi, paying off Democrat flying monkeys to try and stop Trump. Good luck with that, so far everything bounces off Trump and sticks back onto the initiator. They must’ve been doing some serious drugs during their little pow-wow on Sea Island to think this would work!

  7. I saw Trump move to defend himself not pull away seeking cover. That’s instinctive. That’s the man I want in the WH, not the one that cringes at a judo flip.


    I see BOOM/Magnum has gotten loose again. I imagine after FL & OH next week we won’t be seeing him anymore.

  8. Trump’s tough talk isn’t any tougher or rougher than you’d hear said in a John Wayne movie.

    Yet his language is enough to inscite the ‘Straight Outta Ferguson’ crowd -who utter Muther effin hate slang morning noon and night- to riot?


    And-all of Mark Levin’s yelling has turned Cruz into a tone deaf dunce. He really screwed up during that press conference last night. Now I’m not sure I even want him to replace Scalia let alone POTUS!

  9. “Words matter. Ted Cruz and company just legitimized a bounty on Trumps head. I wonder if the opportunistic son of a bitch gets that.”

    And away we go! A second ago, Trump’s words didn’t cause BLM to attack, but if Trump gets killed or harmed it’s Cruz’s words at fault ?

    Oh my G*d.

  10. So let me get this straight, this violence is Trump’s fault because of what he says and he deserves it?

    So by that logic, when the godless, commie leftist scream f**k the police, and talk about killing them…it should be OK for the cops to shoot them because they deserve it, RIGHT?

    Can’t have it both ways folks. As Alinsky insisted, make the enemy live up to their own standards.

  11. It is getting to the point where some think no legitimate reason to question, doubt or disagree with Trump is possible. Dare to do so, and they will mark you and cast out. That makes for an amazing parallel:

    2008: Question Obama for ANY reason and you are an enemy.

    2016: Question Trump for ANY reason and you are an enemy.

    I KNOW FOR A FACT that all Trump supporters do not think this way, but many appear to. Their fanaticism is spooky and can only get worse. I hope the rational Trump supporters will try to reign them in.

  12. Yeah, I’m pretty sure Ted blamed the Lindbergh kidnapping on Trump too.

    Marco was the one who told MaryJoe that trump said she should get into the car with Kennedy.

    Oh and Kasich? He gave Marco and Ted the idea.
    Or was it Ben Carson double crossing them all?

    *soap opera music* Dun dun Duhhhhhhn….

    Okay I’ll catch you guys later.

    Be nice to each other. One’s gonna need the other to vote for their guy in the election. And you’re not gonna convince them later by calling them a “motherfucker” of some sorts, today.


  13. Oh Bad Brad. You wanna name call?
    You CONTRADICTED yourself, sugar. That’s why I made that comment. [Without name calling. I may add.]

    But as long as we’re gonna play, your dick and your brain are interchangeable. There.

    See? Not nice. Is it?

    Now. You go have yourself a nice day. 😀

  14. MJA,

    That was not name calling. That was an accurate comparative analysis.
    “My dick and my brain are interchangeable”?

    Wow, that’s just like the ultimate put down right there.

    You are doing exactly what you are accusing myself and other Trump supporters of doing. Reread your comments.

  15. I’ve had enough conversations with MJA to know that her objections to what is going on in this primary are exactly the same as mine.

    I lean towards Trump, but would support Cruz.
    She leans toward Cruz, but would support Trump.

    The objections are to the people and the ease at which “their guy” is defended at all costs.

    When you’re not in the tank for one guy it is easier to see than when you are.

    For me, I think Boom, JohnS and Woody are absolutely silly in their unwillingness to cede an inch on obvious Cruz weaknesses.
    It’s an obsession that borders on testicle gargling. Next contest I give away cheerleading skirts and pom-poms, I’ve already chosen those 3 for the winners.

    For MJA it’s others, who I will not name because it’s up to her to do so, who do the same with Trump. It’s irksome. I feel MJA’s frustration.

    I’ve posted negative pieces about Trump, obvious weaknesses he has a candidate, and I’ve listened to arguments made against Trump and have agreed that these are legitimate and respectful concerns, but I still support him for my own legitimate and respectful reasons. But I still get complaints from Trump supporters who think I’m anti-Trump.
    I’m just being fair, and not in a compassionate conservative, or progressive twatwaffle, way.
    I guess a better word than fair is honest.

    I do not see honesty from some readers, I see some acting as bad as the campaign managers they say are scum weasels.
    It’s almost comical.
    I laugh.
    MJA gets pissed.

  16. So at least we know that Trump does understand taunting and the risks involved. When it was Pamela Geller and the “Draw Mohammed” contest, Trump was all about how she was taunting the Muslims for no reason and she better understand the risk. In fact, Trump sounds very much like Cruz did last night, only using cruder speech to do it. Here’s just a small excerpt;

    DONALD TRUMP: I watched Pam prior, and it looks like she’s just taunting everybody. What is she doing? Drawing Mohammed and it looks like she’s taunting people…

    What are they doing drawing Mohammed? Isn’t there something else they can draw? They can’t do something else? They have to be in the middle of Texas and on Mohammed?

    You know, I’m one that believes in free speech, probably more than she does. What’s the purpose of this? She’s taunting them…

    I don’t know, maybe she likes risk. What the hell is she doing?


    But I am sure this is just fine and Trump was just being Trump and giving a little “straight talk”, nothing even close to the tactics of leftists as has been the comparison for Cruz. Isn’t it funny how Trump followers are so quick to just on Cruz, but forgot all about Trump and what he did to Geller?

  17. But Woody, are you too stupid to see your own argument works against you and Cruz?

    Why am I asking, the answer is obvious.

    I condemned Trump for saying that at the time. It’s one of the things I cite a lot that went into the negative column.

    You just stepped on your own Woody.
    Are you saying, now, that you agreed with Trump about Geller?

  18. BFH,

    How fricking disingenuous can you be? I said early on in this current situation that I did not like what Cruz said, but I find it odd that you and others seek to put the entire focus on Cruz and what he said versus Trump and his actions and inactions. If that is me “in the tank” for Cruz, then so be it. Look at the threads, 70%-80% of what you and others are posting is all aimed squarely at Cruz and nothing about Trump and what if any he has to bear for this situation.

    I tend to look at the facts and wonder why, if it was so predictable and Trump is a man of action, why did he not plan for this possible eventuality? That is where I think answers lie, not in trashing some other candidate for something he said that was stupid.

    As for Trump and what Cruz said and how this now makes Cruz some sort of bad guy who is unelectable, isn’t it funny that Trump went farther when it was about Geller and the “Draw Mohammed” contest and yet that went right down the memory hole and doesn’t matter a bit when it comes to evaluating Trump’s character as is currently being done to Cruz.

    Sorry, but the contradictions and hypocrisy is thick lately and I just don’t care what is said about my motivations.

  19. Woody,

    Last I checked, Geller isn’t running for office. Apples/oranges kinda thing, no?

    I’ve been on the fence for weeks, leaning toward Ted. Seeing him jump on board the Elite Bus last night made me ill. As a result, I’m throwing in for Trump this Tuesday.

    Bottom line, though, if Ted makes the nomination, he has my vote in November.

  20. Reality to JustAL, but telling them you would like to punch them, that you hate them, and that you want to see them carried out of you rallies on a stretcher IS taunting **

    (** Of course not to a Trump follower since that is perfectly acceptable civil discourse)

  21. And BFH, you don’t see that you just stepped on your own.

    You claim to be leaning and trying to just make Cruz supporters cede that he isn’t great and that he has issues, but then after I already told you what he did was stupid and then explain that I am interested in knowing why no one here is examining Trumps lack of planning or action, you completely ignore it and go on so more about how this proves that Cruz is bad because I provided the example of Trump doing the same thing.

    I ALREADY SAID WHAT CRUZ DID WAS STUPID, so what point do you think you are winning?

    The point I easily made is that you and other Trump supporters here are obsessed with him and protecting him from any and all scrutiny. The VERY thing you accuse me and others of doing is the VERY thing you and others are doing for TRUMP. When have you or Bad_Brad or Abagail Adams or any Trump supporter said he made a STUPID statement? Or said anything negative about him? I can only think of one instance long a couple months back when it was at least entertained that Trump had stepped in it, but that in the end it would just make his supporters love him more. So even when it was allowed that he wasn’t perfect it was still a good quality and something that made him even more perfect.

    Holy crap you folks are so far into Trump that you can’t even see it.

  22. I see your point on that, Woody, yes. Like Trump said yesterday concerning the Carson name calling, something like “Ben understands, it’s just politics.”

    With an individual, it’s not necessarily politics.

  23. Trump is on record saying he will annihilate ISIS, he wants to keep Muslim refugees out of the United States, he would monitor mosques.
    He said he thought what Geller did was taunting, taunting a group that was already known to be dangerous, and he felt it was putting people in peril needlessly.
    He wasn’t saying she was taunting “innocent” people.

    Now, cut to Trump saying at a rally that if protestors show up and try to disrupt the people shouldn’t back away from conflict. Punch them if they get in your face.

    Did Trump tell Geller not to punch back at the jihadists when they showed up at Garland?

    Trump’s comment was about putting people in danger with dangerous people.

    Cruz’s comment was not at all the same.
    I’d be happy if Cruz said, ‘Trump’s rhetoric is putting the people at the rallies in danger, needlessly, because these #BLM and Sanders supporters are dangerous and nasty people.”
    Cruz’s comment implied the #BLM had a legitimate reason to be there, Trump instigated it.
    Trump NEVER implied Islam had a legitimate excuse to do what they do/did.
    Far different.

    No, I’m afraid your argument is weak, as weak as saying you thought Cruz’s statement was stupid and not just leaving it at that.

    Your statement comes with a “but.” “Buts” are weak.

    You also imply in your comment that I am a Trump sycophant and never say anything bad about Trump.

    I’ve called Trump an asshole and a douchebag many, many times.
    I’ve called him out on the Geller comment, I was among the first bloggers to call him out on Kelo, way before I had to be led by the nose, I was among the first to call him out with his choice of spox, Katrina, a choice that had potential impact on my own livelihood, but I did it anyway. I’ve called him out continuously, to the point where I am questioned whether I’m a supporter or not.

    I’ve self-censored more on the part of calling out Cruz, especially on a purely personality level, because I don’t think the Cruz supporters will tolerate it.
    The Trump supporters have.

  24. “Holy crap you folks are so far into Trump that you can’t even see it.”

    OK Woody here’s what you don’t GET. We are cognizant of all the arguments you bring up. All his history and past allegiances. We knew about it before you decided to constantly post it here.


    Trump supporters are looking for a HUGE change in direction. That’s not going to happen with any other candidate. It’s just more of the same. We can’t survive more of the same much longer. I could start listing reasons why, but it won’t matter to you anyway.

    As far as obsession, you should take a hard look in the mirror pal.

  25. Chicago was an exemplar of the country.

    If one chooses to speak in any manner different from what the media, the Oligarchs, and the feral savages define as “proper” he will be vilified and shouted down. Mr. Trump had no rubber-truncheon-wielding thugs at the ready to counter those who denied him the right to speak.

    If the ignorant and intolerant ferals continue in this vein, they may get what they desire.

  26. BFH,

    A whole lot of words, all still on the SAME topic. How Cruz is bad. How any comparison to similar actions by Trump in the past are not valid, in your opinion. How you don’t accept my negative comment about Cruz because it wasn’t negative enough in your opinion and how it came with an inferred “but” and “buts” are weak.

    Then to end you try to claim you have called Trump an asshole and douche bag multiple times. I can’t honestly think of a time unless it was last year sometime. Oh on occasion you make the random statement of “concern” regarding some minor item like Katrina Pierson and her tweets that weren’t in good taste. Or you might suggest some concern about Trump’s lack of policies or some other item like a lie in which he was caught. But come outright and slam him and ridicule him on the same level as Cruz, the evidence recently at least just isn’t there.

    Now that is not to suggest that on occasion you have made positive remarks about Cruz as you do about Trump, but the negatives are far higher for Cruz. It is those positive remarks about Cruz that have gotten you into trouble with fellow Trump supporters rather than negative remarks about Trump.

    But it is still interesting that you are focused like a laser on what Cruz said rather than what Trump failed to do or plan for and why he is still having the same problem now at other rallies. When exactly is this “man of action and not mere words” going to finally perform and do something at his own rallies? Or are we supposed to wait and see how great he will be once nominated?

  27. Bad_Brad,

    “OK Woody here’s what you don’t GET. We are cognizant of all the arguments you bring up. All his history and past allegiances. We knew about it before you decided to constantly post it here.”

    “WE DON’T CARE.”

    Gee for a guy who DOES NOT CARE you sure post a lot of insults and so forth in defense of something for which you have no emotional investment.

    What you don’t get Brad is that I enjoy pointing out the absolute contradiction that it is to support Trump. In this election for the first time people on the right are throwing a tantrum. You want someone to rip up the system and just demolish it without giving one thought to what that means when it comes to WHO will be rebuilding it because there will be a NEW system. It seems you and others are more than happy to have it be one of the very cronies that have been abusing the system simply because he blunt and bombastic.

    A very simple analogy to describe what you are advocating would be “frying pan in to fire”. Instead of working to get out of the pan and turn off the fire, you seek to just jump around and hope for the best one you leap over the edge. On most occasions random chance is not a good plan. And as for Trump and his cronies, I am sure they are already planning much like the establishment is planning for how they will change things to their advantage and that won’t be to the advantage of the majority of people.

    But hey, let’s be reckless and see what it gets us, shall we ???

  28. I hope everyone realizes that making the claim that the Soros Combine’s (#BLM, MoveOn, Occupy, &c.) lack of responsibility, and that the whole enchilada was Mr. Trump’s fault, relegates the Combine to the level of unreasoning, drooling, emotionally-charged animals incapable of deciding for themselves (thus, slaves) the merits, or lack thereof, of Mr. Trump’s positions?

    If Mr. Trump, just by holding a rally, forces (yes, forces) thousands of miscreants onto the streets to clamor for his silence, then they are little better than drones – or, at minimum, paid lackeys of Soros.

    Cruz, Kasich, and L’il Marco are declaring that all the protesters are incapable of cogent thought – unable to discriminate between truth and falsity.

    That’s racist.


    Your charge is that the stories were posted last year.
    How do I better coordinate this with Trump? Should I ask him to do all his negative shit in a schedule that will satisfy you that I am sufficiently negative?

    Your implication is that if Trump does something this week that rises to the level of his support of Kelo I would spike it? No, I do not wear kneepads. I never have for any politician.

  30. BB…I totally get what you mean “stick to the facts” as my previous comment was exactly that!

    It’s one thing when a couple commentators go at it, as that’s inevitable, but when an author jumps in the middle appearing one-sided? That just threw gas on the fire and I proved it by quickly shoving something in the Bullpen and the commentator immediately followed me there to “denigrate” even further and I won’t mention BOOM’s name!

    This is where commenting is no fun anymore since the perp is obviously and purposefully chasing someone down for sole purpose of being a DICK!

    Note: It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t mention that the author did apologize to me…twice!

  31. Is there one word to describe every faction that is arrayed against Trump? I wish there was because I’m getting tired of writing each of Them out!

    Although for several weeks, now, I came to the conclusion that Cruz is, without a shred of doubt in my mind, one of “them”, and I reject him ‘utterly’, even IF he and Them *honestly* believed Trump is responsible for inciting their violence, what exactly has Trump said that they think warrants their vicious response?

    I’ve watched EVERY one of his rallies from beginning to end. Not because I enjoy listening to the same stump speech over and over again, but because I knew something like this would inevitably arise and I didn’t want to be in the position of not being able to forcefully respond to the lies. So, unless Trump has been calling for hateful, unprovoked attacks on a person or a group in secret, they are all lying about Trump. Color me so shockingly surprised.

    As an aside: I watched/listened to an older Bernout supporter last night, speaking in a well-rehearsed, anguished voice, talking about how she was a child in WWII and who compared Trump to Hitler and Mussolini. How much Trump’s rhetoric gave her PTSD-like flashbacks or something. She was saying these things while participating in what amounted to the same kind of mob rule that brought Hitler and other fascist dictators to power. She must believe that Hitler just strolled into the chancellery and took over by himself.

    Rubio crashed his campaign by trying to be a comic. Cruz just crashed his by thinking American voters are too stupid to figure out that he just threw in with every anti-American faction that disgusts them.

  32. BFH,

    And your defense is that he hasn’t done anything this year that has been negative enough?

    Are you seriously trying to say that Trump has done nothing negative and so there is nothing to report?

    Nothing is ever negative when it comes to Trump, it is always some slick strategy or smart position that he constructed. Recently you even put forth that maybe his tariff threat was a brilliant “poison pill” strategy as if a bad idea was somehow going to magically become good simply because it was Trump proposing it.

    And therein lies the issue. Of course you have nothing negative to report because no matter what Trump says or does it is always magically delicious to those who support him.

  33. Woody, I get pissed off when people try and ram their point down everyone’s throat with erroneous and sometimes non related information. The tenor was set here, at least for me, with Magnum’s NON STOP crap. There’s no thoughtful or logical discussion taking place here. It’s non stop fast balls coming high and wide. Maybe you should try a little restraint and responsibility in what you link.

  34. Am I to understand that there’s a new Woody in town?
    Color me nonplussed. I think I was here when BFH was a wee lad’s newsboy cap.
    Does that mean there’ll be a new Chief Illini too? Are they gonna send him up to the Great Spirit in the Sky?
    (paging Norman Greenbaum)

  35. BB; you echo chamber types aren’t accustomed to independent thought. Straying from the herd may seem dangerous and scary, likely even unthinkable. That is why you and the other echo chamber people here try to lump the free thinkers together and make a group out of them like BFH did.
    There is no reason to be suspicious of people who think things other than what they are told by the herd. That is just a natural reaction to facing the scary world outside the herd.

  36. Okay Woody, we are done. You are officially a moron.
    You simply cannot follow the bouncing ball, and you don’t even know sarcasm when you read it, so, I have no time for you.
    I will fisk your last comment and then our story is over.

    And your defense is that he hasn’t done anything this year that has been negative enough?>>>

    No stupid, and trust me, you are stupid, and I am giving you the reasons why here, so don’t say this is just calling you names.
    YOU SAID my negative comments of Trump are not current, they are a year old. YOU SAID THAT.

    >>>Then to end you try to claim you have called Trump an asshole and douche bag multiple times. I can’t honestly think of a time unless it was last year sometime.>>>

    I posted links to negative Trump stories I’ve posted, yet you still insist this is mythic.

    That is why I said I cannot help you.

    Regarding the timing of the negative Trump stories, Trump has not done anything recently that rises to the level of supporting KELO, in my opinion. Understand??
    I don’t think ya do.

    Are you seriously trying to say that Trump has done nothing negative and so there is nothing to report?

    I already pointed out the negative stuff. I posted the links. Are you an idiot?
    I think ya are.

    Nothing is ever negative when it comes to Trump, >>>

    I already pointed out the negative stuff. I posted the links. Are you an idiot?
    I think ya are.

    it is always some slick strategy or smart position that he constructed. Recently you even put forth that maybe his tariff threat was a brilliant “poison pill” strategy as if a bad idea was somehow going to magically become good simply because it was Trump proposing it.>>>

    Cruz said he approached the Gang of 8 with an amendment that would force them out into the open an expose that their agenda was something entirely different – a poison pill that they couldn’t swallow.

    Trump identified his 45% tax as a THREAT to China for not playing reasonably. When people mocked Trump for trying to impose an unreasonable deal upon China I mockingly said, “It’s Trump’s poison pill.”

    I do not like communicating with sluggish thinkers. Too taxing.

    And therein lies the issue. Of course you have nothing negative to report because no matter what Trump says or does it is always magically delicious to those who support him.>>>

    I already pointed out the negative stuff, are you an idiot?
    I think ya are.

  37. Amateur hour at the improve. Calling it sarcasm is the last defense of the intellectually lost.

    I just don’t care since you slam me for failing to comprehend your points when your own comments above don’t even take into consideration what I wrote. I could go into them, but to be honest you would just take further offense and you have claimed that you are done.

    So good luck and Godspeed….


    You glossed over that entire part about me being okay with voting for trump if cruz didn’t make it. Why would you say something like that? For attention?
    Is there a problem with your comprehension of that statement or do you just not want me to vote for trump in any case?

    Or maybe, you are just trying to be part of the funny?
    Because hey, while I’m on the ground, I am more than happy to give you a hand in pulling you up off your trump mattress.

    See? Errbodeh gots jokes. lolz.

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