Trump’s Fault – IOTW Report

Trump’s Fault

It’s all because of this atmosphere of crudeness that Trump has developed.

I blame him.

Had he not said what he said in private, on a bus, which was released into the public by people who disliked him, this woman wouldn’t have felt so comfortable with her actions and language.

It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

Impeach Trump and everything will return to the way it used to be— civil.


A Florida woman was arrested last night after she pelted a cop with a “wet” used tampon, which a police report characterized as a “deadly weapon.”

According to cops, Tecora Fields, 28, was involved in a brawl Monday night in St. Petersburg, where Fields resides.

As Officer Andre Sousa investigated the fight, Fields told the St. Petersburg cop to “suck her pu$$y,” adding that, “I’ll hit you with my tampon you bitch!” The tampon, Fields noted, was destined for the patrolman’s mouth.

After issuing those threats, Fields “was then seen with both her hands in her genital area, with her pants open.” She was then observed “throwing a wet white paper object” at Sousa. The tampon struck the officer’s left shoulder.

After flinging the tampon, Fields sought to flee into a nearby residence, but she was “apprehended following a successful taser deployment.”


ht/ fdr in hell

35 Comments on Trump’s Fault

  1. Elections have consequences.
    So do actions.
    Enjoy your stay in the graybar hotel.
    Hopefully it will be more educational then the mandatory time you spent in the gubberment school system.

  2. Welcome back to when leftists don’t have power and their behavior devolves beyond comprehension. This should be a life sentence – she clearly can’t be trusted to conduct herself in society. And there was a similar story of another young black woman working a fast food drive thru who decided to add saliva and menstrual blood on a burger she served. I have no idea nor want to know how the customer found out but the 5 years she could face was no where near just.

  3. Scary out there.These people are animals.
    Like a hungry hyena you cannot reason with
    them.I avoid most people these days.This “thing”
    is not afraid of jail.She will get to see her
    homies and come out with street cred.A badge of
    honor for her and her ilk.

  4. This crude and disgusting behavior is the bi-product of generational inbreeding in the ghettos. These creatures are a level lower than animals and cannot be civilized, only contained.

  5. I wonder if this makes judd and madonna proud – cause this is the kind of behavior they are advocating. The thing is – those loud mouth, clueless b*tches aren’t the ones who are going to have to pay the consequences for the bad behavior of people (and I use the term loosely) like this.

  6. I don’t think this had anything to do with Trump except help give her a line to speak. This is a disturbed woman with obvious severe alcohol abuse problems who would have tossed the tampon at the cops even if Trump hadn’t said the whole pussy grabbing thing. At least she got tasered though.

  7. Yeah, I can see where personal responsibility is a foreign concept. Monkeys are known to throw shit at people, but there is no record I could find of them throwing tampons. This is a first.

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