Trump’s Funniest Moments During the Grudge Match Debate – IOTW Report

Trump’s Funniest Moments During the Grudge Match Debate

Chris Wallace: “Vice President Biden, you are holding much smaller events –” President Trump: “Because nobody will show up.”


George Stephanopoulos called the first debate between Joe Biden and President Trump “the worst presidential debate I’ve ever seen,” but I rather liked it. Frankly, the only thing that made it bad, in my opinion, was Chris Wallace trying to moderate. Why do we need moderators for debates? I think it would be better to just let the candidates ask each other the questions they want answered and let them go. Fight it out!

Every time the debate seemed to be getting into something good, Wallace would jump in to demand that all the fun stop immediately—and then force us to eat our vegetables.

But we don’t want peas, Chris. We want a grudge match. We want UFC-style slugging it out that leaves bruises we’ll all be talking about for weeks to come. Those of you wringing your hands about how “mean” and “unprofessional” it was are liars. You loved it, but you don’t want anyone to know that. It was entertaining as heck.

Despite Wallace’s best attempts, the president still got some good Trumpisms in. Here are a few of Trump’s funniest moments:


SNIP: I can’t say for sure, but I’m suspicious TeamBiden dyed Biden’s hair blonde, caked on concealer under his eyes, powdered his face to tone down the ruddy skin and age spots, darkened his eyebrows and put on mascara.
What do you think?


18 Comments on Trump’s Funniest Moments During the Grudge Match Debate

  1. My conclusion from the debate is that we, as a nation, have become increasingly petty and have little concern with actually discussing the merits and values of the positions.

    Idiocracy in action, disappointing at best.

  2. I don’t watch UFC matches so I’m not used to such aggressive tactics used by President Trump. I was overwhelmed by the chaos of the debate so I didn’t see how he was applying the chaos to his advantage. Now that I read the various analyses this morning I can see that there was a strategy and it worked sometimes.
    I doubt the debate changed many people’s opinions regarding either candidate. Maybe it caused some snowflakes to decide to not vote at all…

  3. One thing: Biden repeatedly blames the fact that the chinese flu is here in the United States on President Trump. It’s ridiculous and insulting on its face but I would answer it by asking Biden who is he blaming in England that is personally responsible for it in England, who is he personally blaming in Europe for it being in Europe, who is he personally blaming in South America for it being there, etc. etc. etc.

    You get the picture. The absurdity of Biden’s position and his very scummy politics becomes fully exposed. And then when he tries to use it again hit him with the questions again and again.

  4. Biden accused Trump of killing 200 thousand? Well, okay, then every prime minister, every ruler of every country on this planet has killed people with corona. File murder charges, moron. Start with China. See how fast hunter gets his allowance snapped off.

  5. I don’t blame Trump for swinging. He knew from WH pressers what these assholes are like and he was right. PLUS you have to consider that would be the only debate. No one knows what biden camp is going to pull along with LSM help.

    I hope people remember in the first debate with hillary, everybody thought (including the Right) that he lost, she rolled him, he let the moderators push him around. And so this time, he held his own, slicing and dicing biden and wallace- and people are saying, “ooh he’s too mean”.
    Which guy do you want???
    If you can’t handle what you asked for in Trump, then don’t ask for it.

  6. What’s the primary reason only a few people show up to Harris-Biden rallies?

    Lack of enthusiasm for the candidates?

    Or because of Joe’s over emphasis on fear of the Wuhan virus, constant mask wearing with no one within 20 feet of him, and Joe’s quarantining himself in his basement?

    [That I think is mostly a ploy in an attempt to blame Trump’s virus policies for causing more covid-19 deaths]

    Anyway, basement lurker Joe, accusing Trump of not coming out of his bunker, was ridiculous & funny.

  7. There was a point during the debate- a little over half way in- where Joey was answering a question and he just… droned on and on about weird things and it got so muddled that I couldn’t follow along so I looked over at Trump and- 😂

    Um, Trump had this incredulous look on his face and he kept looking over to the right and glancing at Chris Wallace like ‘what’s the guy saying…? What the hell is this?’ And then Trump smirked a bit and you could see that he was biting his tongue to obey the ‘rules’ that Wallace wouldn’t stop squaking about.

    What part was it.. I feel like more people should bring it up.

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