Update with video: Trump’s New DC Hotel is Vandalized by #BLM (who have never built a GD thing in their lives) – IOTW Report

Update with video: Trump’s New DC Hotel is Vandalized by #BLM (who have never built a GD thing in their lives)


ht/ TB

16 Comments on Update with video: Trump’s New DC Hotel is Vandalized by #BLM (who have never built a GD thing in their lives)

  1. ONE WOULD think Trump would have the where-with-all to hire police offduty to protect his investments, especially those bearing his Trump Brand. Either he doesn’t have the money or doesn’t care. Is it intented to make the BLM crowd look obtuse, or himself look victimized? Either way, it is a bad photo op.

  2. Look, Trump is from New York. He knows how to deal with grafitti.

    How much do you want to be that the building material has been specially treated so that paint power-washes off?

  3. The BLM should be renamed the Vote For Hillary movement. They’re not shit-stirring very in Tulsa where that black guy was shot because Oklahoma is pretty much in with voting Trump. Charlotte, NC OTOH where a black guy was shot by a black cop, they’re doing a ton of shit-stirring because it’s in play in the election. Scumbags like Soros have learned their techniques in the former Soviet republics in the so-called color revolutions of the 1990s

  4. @Greetings…yes you may be correct about the washing off of graffiti coating. Point made is still bad photo op. Looks like BLM is shitting all over Trump’s name and brand, regardless. We are refusing to be victimized anymore. Taser the low rent mofos who try this going forward! If they become violent, treat them as any criminals and shoot.

  5. This doesn’t look bad for Trump. What it looks like is a desperate party trying to race bait a candidate.Ever since Trump asked black America what they have to lose they have been in hyperdrive to get the black vote back in line.IN my opinion all this does is reinforce the fact that are scared.

  6. Well, the “upside” of this is that this is the RELATIVELY UNSEEN west side entrance of the building. The main entrance (which probably would have gotten his a§$ in jail in a second) is on the north side, on Pennsylvania Avenue.

  7. Please be kind and considerate when commenting on the BLM folks. Having little to no innate ambition, they either do what they see some others do (aping) or what they are taught by exhaustive repetition. Therefore treat them as children. They need that, and be proud of what they’ve accomplished, many of them without the benefit of opposable thumbs.

  8. Thanks for the point well made, Czar of D. As some of us are not from DC nor NYC, we have little clue as to the facade locations, nor do we have the same values as locals in NYC or DC. What BFH posted was a snapshot of people taking pictures of the graffiti and that was all that we saw. It helps to have feet on the ground there. *Smiling* All lives matter, and those who march under the BLM banner obviously disagree. But we should show humanity and kindness to those who DON’T align with BLM. BFH, your input on this would be welcomed.

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