Trump’s New Press Secretary Drops Bombs On WHO – IOTW Report

Trump’s New Press Secretary Drops Bombs On WHO

It was her first presser, too. Nice job!

17 Comments on Trump’s New Press Secretary Drops Bombs On WHO

  1. Watching Her , as She listened to the First Question, I thought that

    She looked a little meek…Boy was I wrong !!!!!

    Somebody find out if She’s into Older Unsuccessful Guys…

  2. chuffed-beyond-words
    MAY 2, 2020 AT 10:32 AM
    “even though her name is a dreaded spelling nightmare-
    I still liked her.
    (I blame her idiot mother for the name thing)”

    …just be glad it’s not “Fatima”, “Aisha”, or something in Wakandan…

  3. I just went on her Instagram page and left an encouraging comment. I’m sure she’ll get lots of hate so any way she can hear praise and gratitude we should have her back.

  4. Sharp and easy on the eyes……. not sure about those buttons though, Distracting. Crucifix is definitely a nice touch. I’ll get in line with Bobcat……….. every man for himself! Whooow!

  5. Trump has been fine tuning his staff and cabinet – Kayleigh is both fine, and in tune. We need this administration to stay in power, as there is much that needs to be done. Imagine what PDJT can be accomplish in four more years, unburdened with re-election bullshit concerns.

  6. Wow, the new Trump administration Press Secretary is sharp. She’s prepared, smart, concise and very perspective. The left are going to get gut punched quite often by this dynamo little lady. It’s great she wore the Cross. Now, the left has no doubt what side she’s on.

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