Trump’s Pentagon Nominee Says It’s ‘Insane’ Civilians Can Buy Assault Rifles – IOTW Report

Trump’s Pentagon Nominee Says It’s ‘Insane’ Civilians Can Buy Assault Rifles

I don’t like him already.

DailyCaller: President Donald Trump’s nominee to oversee the Department of Veterans Affairs from the Pentagon Tuesday said it’s “insane” an American civilian can buy an AR-15 assault rifle.

During a nomination hearing before the Senate Committee on Armed Services, New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen asked Dr. Dean L. Winslow, the nominee to be assistant secretary of defense for Health Affairs, whether someone like the Sutherland Springs, Texas church shooter Devin Patrick Kelley should have received a dishonorable discharge instead of the lesser bad conduct discharge.

The Air Force admitted Monday that it failed to report Kelley’s misdemeanor domestic violence conviction to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check system, potentially allowing Kelley to obtain the weapon he used to shoot members of First Baptist Church in Texas. The armed forces are required to report misdemeanor assault convictions to the FBI, which would have restricted him from purchasing a weapon.

After answering that the problems that allowed Kelley to obtain a firearm legally represent a “single point failure,” and is a tragic error in the system, Winslow went further to comment on gun laws.

“I’d also like to, and I may get in trouble with other members of the committee, just say how insane it is that in the United States of America a civilian can go out and buy a semi-automatic assault rifle like an AR-15, which apparently was the weapon that was used,” Winslow said.  read the rest here

SNIP:  McCain had an answer to Winslow’s statement.

50 Comments on Trump’s Pentagon Nominee Says It’s ‘Insane’ Civilians Can Buy Assault Rifles

  1. “Dr. Dean L. Winslow, the nominee to be assistant secretary of defense for Health Affairs,”

    How is this even germane to his appointment? What’s the point, other than he doesn’t no shit about guns. Pull his nomination. He’s a freaken idiot.

  2. I think it is insane that we don’t have background checks on voting or running for high office. The pro’s and con’s of living in a Republic.

    Thank God she lost and thank God for our Bill of Rights.

  3. The “assault rifle” bullshit was created by the Brady dipshits in the 80’s specifically to conflate semi-auto rifles with machine guns. Every commie shithead media and govt assclown has dutifully parroted this horseshit ever since.

  4. To all the srupid lefties out there. AR does not stand for assault rifle.. it is a trademark just like clorox, crest kellogs etc.. it stand for ARMALITE, the developer back in 1954!

  5. My Gaydar’s going off.

    Good call on the Pedo, too. That smug secretive smirk seems to be their “Tell”.

    Reminds me of that Lefty who just jumped Rand Paul.

    Guess that airman photo is his Halloween outfit.

  6. MISDEMEANORS should NEVER take away a Constitutional right.

    That shit was thrown in to appease feminists. How’d that work out for the G.O.P.? They still hate them more than ever.

  7. “I’m pretty sure the president monitors this blog, as does Rush.”

    You know there’s been a couple times I’ve read things on FB or Instagram on accounts that belong to family members or people associated with this admin that make me think Hmm.

  8. A .22 Caliber semi automatic weapon is just as much of the assault weapon and .223. To standardize, everything a step above the BB gun, shall be called an assault weapon.

  9. Extirpates, I have an assault BB gun. I have an assault paintball gun. That damn paintball gun will leave you with about 30 bruises in 2 seconds, and it could put your eye out.

  10. There is no such thing as a citizen when it comes to bearing arms. The Constitution states that we are all militia members and have the right to “Keep and Bear Arms which would include every weapon necessary to fulfill the duties of a militia member under that constitutional edict! Besides that, it is also a natural right that we all have which is to provide for our protection, especially from the government!

  11. I think our President needs to fire the person(s) advising him on people and needs to bring their asses in and grill the hell out of them.

    I’ve said forever they need to dress them up prettier and then idiots would stop calling them assault rifles.

  12. So did these nominees(Kirstjen Nielsen (DHS) and Dean L. Winslow) show up by coincidence while President Trump was out of the Country?

    Are both of these candidates to appease the Democrats, deep state and the establishment or what?

    >>Nielsen’s nomination to head DHS has been praised by the cheap foreign labor lobby, open borders advocates, and the Washington, D.C. national security establishment that allied itself with the failed “Never Trump” movement during the 2016 presidential election.<<

  13. Old Racist White Woman, speaking of prettying them up a little, mrs6pak has an AR that is a flat black with fluorescent purple camo type splotches on it. It’s pretty in an “assault rifle” kind of way.

  14. It’s no surprise the Navy in particular is in poor shape. Sec of Navy, Ray Mabus (2009-2017), did everything within his power to destroy this branch of the military.

  15. “assault” weapon is a weird choice of words to isolate one gun type over another. I could “assault” someone with a BB gun if I chose to. I could even assault someone with only a gun stock without a barrel attached. Hell, give me a bowl of red with beans and I can assault someone with my farts.

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