Trump’s Response to DOJ Dropping the Case Against Flynn Is Spectacular – IOTW Report

Trump’s Response to DOJ Dropping the Case Against Flynn Is Spectacular

“What they did, what the Obama administration did, is unprecedented … and I hope a lot of people will pay a big price because they are dishonest, crooked people. They are scum.”

15 Comments on Trump’s Response to DOJ Dropping the Case Against Flynn Is Spectacular

  1. I especially liked him calling out the “Obama administration”, twice I believe.

    And I sure as hell didn’t “cringe” when he called them “scum, human scum”

    And they are.

  2. I thought it was great. But i was really wanting him to drop a few cock suckers in there as a cherry on top. I was advising him to do so, but my wife informed me he could not hear me through the tv. Well, at least not in real time.

  3. Ronald Reagan’s Optimist just called.
    He sez: “So far there’s no pony at the bottom of the manure pile, just a lot of Swamp democRatz, but I’ll call back when I find that Horse’s Ass!

  4. ” …. I hope a lot of people will pay a big price because they are dishonest ….+

    Hoping just helps accept something, it doesn’t make anything happens.

    In the real world, very few people pay a big price for being dishonest.

    The norm is that the majority of them end up being rewarded for it in the long run and quite often in the short run as well. An occasional minor player gets tossed to the dogs to keep them quiet, but only a minor one and only occasionally.

    This falls into another thing I file away in my “I’ll believe it when I see it” category. Maybe I’ll see it happen someday, but I’m not holding my breath till then.

  5. By PDJT stating to Americans that “He HOPES a lot of people are punished is preparing them for the upcoming slaughter. If his doj were to rush in and start arresting every evil perpetrator in washington dc, the sheeple would shit their respective pants and go nuts! This way, the frogs are in the nice warm water NOW!

  6. The Scummy Scammers.

    @anon – piss off with that kind of attitude and if, IF things do turn around and ‘things’ are done, don’t come back here when those things transpire, acting like some ugly wannabe cheerleader. Yeah, rahrah.

    “In the real world, very few people pay a big price for being dishonest.” What the hell does that mean?

    Can a current president talk in such a way about a former president and nothing happen?? Maybe.

    Is this POTUS DJT’s way of putting it out there for public consumption to see what the reaction will be?? Maybe? Literally a ‘trial’ balloon?

    Does POTUS more than YOU? DEFINITELY.

    Impatient ungrateful people bother the SHIT outta me.

  7. There has been a lot of criticism of Donald Trump regarding stuff like this. I have been saying that patience is a virtue. Have patience, Trump’s sense of timing is extremely good. When he pivots and goes on the offensive it is going to be epic.

    There is an old saying: If your enemy is busy destroying themselves… stay the hell out of their way. He has been allowing the Democrat coalition to just keep getting deeper in.

  8. Funny how strange the Truth is, isn’t it? One year ago, the end of this month, my father died. He taught us that there were only two kinds of people…those that desire,seek and love the Truth and those that don’t. Filter out all the particulars that the power seekers like to divide us by, and you’ve got who a person really is. Gotta lie to accomplish your goals, then fear being ratted out? Live in the light of the Truth with faith and you have nothing to fear. Love the Truth, not just for it’s own sake but for the sake of Love. Trump strikes me as one of those wonderfully strange people who live in Truth. God bless that perfectly imperfect man we call Mr. President.

  9. @anon – “it’s applied to those people who screech at anyone who wants to go back to work, and anyone who questions the media’s fear mongering when it comes to the Corona Virus”.

    I told you to piss off before? Now I am telling ya to FUCK off now you god dam LIAR, you lie Farkas and the rest…

    NO ONE CAN DEFINE ME AND LIE ABOUT ME, and certainly a basement dweller like you, grow up. I teach that concept to my crew and they are teenagers, smarter than your sorry ass will ever be.


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