Trump’s Role? Is It To Usher In Hillary, Or Is It To Bust Up The Fixed GOP Party? – IOTW Report

Trump’s Role? Is It To Usher In Hillary, Or Is It To Bust Up The Fixed GOP Party?

Visit Twitter and you’ll see the right broken up into different camps. You’ll see people who should be friends and allies at each other’s throats, calling each other idiots for either supporting or not supporting Trump.

When Trump declared at the first debate that he would not pledge to not run 3rd party did that put a dagger into the hearts of conservatives or the establishment GOP?

Put aside what you think Trump is politically, let’s talk about Trump as a strategic object.

People are likening him to Ross Perot. He’s not. Perot was a guy who couldn’t win but decided to be a spoiler. Trump is in the lead, he can only be a spoiler if the GOP ratf*cks him. And that’s exactly what Trump was telling the GOP.

Whether you like Trump or not, isn’t Trump doing exactly what we want? He’s got a knife to the throat of the GOP who year after year after year force feed us Dole, McCain, Romney and now Yeb Bush.

How does the GOP do this? Andrea Shea King’s guest last Monday explained:

“Donald Trump says “if I’m not treated fairly I will go independent.”

What he’s saying is this:  In the Republican party during the primary season the Republicans have a nasty little trick. If there’s someone running they don’t like or don’t want to win or be on the ticket, they rig it.  Through the State Party. In 6 or 7 states what they’ll do is kick the candidate off the ballot. When that happens they can’t possibly win the primary.  Such was the case the last time Ron Paul ran.

The media never told anybody about this.  A State party can block anyone they want to from running.

For example, someone (candidate) might have a stand — lets say a candidate is for abortion — They’ll keep him from running because “it’s against what we stand for in the Republican party.”

Who is the head of the RNC?  Reince Priebus?  Wrong.  That’s who its supposed to be.  The real head of the RNC is Karl Rove.  Technically he isn’t but he represents the hierarchy that controls the RNC.  Priebus just does what he’s told.  Rove and his gang, McConnell, Boehner, McCain, are the actual muscle behind the RNC.

So what Trump is saying is “if you pull a dirty trick, Rove, and fix it that I can’t win as a Republican, here’s what I’m gonna do.  I’ll run as an independent.  No, I will not win, but it will guarantee Hillary a victory.”

They know it.  He knows it. That’s his leverage to make them stay honest.

I’m not a huge Trump fan, never have been. But there are things about him that made me glad he’s on the landscape. I couldn’t pinpoint it, it was just a feeling. This may be what I was feeling.

That Trump upsets the likes of *Erick Erickson, who will ultimately support Jeb Bush (wait for it) makes Donald Trump a worthwhile presence.

Yes, we would get a mixed bag with Trump, and it might be an unpleasant 4 years if he could pull off a mini-miracle, but nothing is more unpleasant than having the game rigged by the GOP machine. That has to end. Maybe Trump can facilitate that.

You can hear Andrea’s Show HERE. (This is the guest who said Hillary was a smelly, hairy rude pig when she was debuted as the potential Arkansas first lady.)

* I found it ridiculously disingenuous when Erickson disinvited Trump for “being coarse with Megyn Kelly.” At the time this was his only gripe, he even found it necessary to say he liked Trump. When the disinvite blew up in his face, suddenly Trump was a lousy candidate for a million reasons other than his insult of Kelly. This revealed the lie that he liked Trump, and it also revealed that the Kelly remark was just something tenuous to grasp onto in lieu of simply coming out and saying that it was unacceptable for Trump to be a contender, not when all concerned parties secretly want Jeb Bush to be installed.

42 Comments on Trump’s Role? Is It To Usher In Hillary, Or Is It To Bust Up The Fixed GOP Party?

  1. Trump needs to say “I am not McConnell & Boehner promising to not shutdown the government, I am not Obama telegraphing to Iran that I will not use military force, I negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness. I am NOT going to promise to not run 3rd party.
    If the Republican primary voters decide that they would prefer someone else, so be it – I will support him/her for President.
    But if the republican establishment cheats the process to run a big donor shill then I will run against them”

  2. FROM:

    EXCERPTS: “In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

    States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.

    That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.”

  3. You would think that Conservatives would be smarter than to fall for the Perot gambit a second.time. With.over a year to go there’s no need to rush choosing a candidate.

  4. Twelve years ago, in August, Joe Lieberman led in the polls of the Democratic primary. Eight years ago, in August, Rudy Giuliani maintained a clear lead in polls of Republicans, while Hillary Clinton led in polls of the Democratic nomination contest. Four years ago, in August, Mitt Romney began with the lead in polls of Republican voters, but he would be surpassed by the end of the month by Rick Perry. No one’s support at this point is solid. Trump’s support is a mile wide and an inch deep.

  5. I like it that Trump is scaring the RINOs.

    Trump would make a better President than ANY filthy socialist Demonrat and better than most of the Lilliputians running as Republicans, who are crowding, dividing, and beclowning the field. I’m guessing that a bunch of em are being paid to clamor and make noise so that the issues become more cloudy for the disinterested, average, voting nematodes. Or they get to keep all the swag they con out of the electorate and big-money maggots.

  6. I’m happy that Trump is in the mix. He doesn’t seem to need anyone else’s money so he is free to say what is on his mind. He is a shrewd negotiator and does not get pushed around. He is not a part of the establishment, in fact he is campaigning against the establishment. He can be outrageous and as a result someone like Cruz seems more palatable to the lofo’s. Right now I could support Cruz, Trump, Carson, and it is hard to imagine even Fiorina. Anybody not firmly established as an establishment politician will be fine with me.

  7. Trump is a lot of fun, and I love love love the GOP and media nipple twisting! He brought up illegals, he brought up Iran, etc. And that’s all good.

    I’m just not seeing myself voting for him because of some things he’s not “getting”. For example, he doesn’t want to defund planned parenthood because women, conservative women, have told him it does such wonderful work for women. Which conservative women are those? lol. He just won’t fund their abortion practices. How in the hell does THAT happen? That’s like me giving a drug addict $50 for school supplies and telling him only use it on pencils. What do you think the addict is going to do? lol. Does he understand there are more places available for women other than planned parenthood? This is the kind of shit that bothers me. I get the feeling he’s going to tour the plant and as long as his employees are saying, “everything’s okay, boss!” and he’s not seeing any fires, he’s gonna shake hands and move on.

    I wish ALL these fuckers would start laying out some specific, “this is what I’m going to do” statements. Not just when they’re talking to the LSM. I mean lay it out in print. Online. And I mean, specifics. Not just I’m not going to do blank and I will do blank. And I don’t want to hear the “Someone’s going to steal my ideas” bullshit again.

  8. venturaguy…..Great Post!

    Now more than ever I hope Trump runs
    Ja-heb into the ground! This sneaky bs that these big money losers think they can rub our noses in has to stop!
    This country needs a wake-up call and if Trump’s the guy..? So be it!

  9. He’s an invasive plant. But for what? Hopefully, it’s to break the Bush/Rove/Lefty hold on the party, but not likely. I hope more candidates would use his words, and not humminah humminah like Rubio or Yeb Mush.

  10. And what does the RINO GOP do? They threaten to kick Trump out of the GOP. Now there’s thinking ahead!

    If Trump, who is polling way ahead, even get a whiff of being kicked out, he will guarantee either Hillary, Bernie or Joe will be our next president. Good news is, it will probably be the end of America as we know it and the civil war can begin or bad news, Karl Rove will see to it that Jeb gets elected. Either way, we lose.

  11. Everyone running for the GOP except Trump is orchestrated by
    the Rino’s. I’ll never vote Rino or Democrat so Trump is the only
    I’d rather gamble with Trump than continue the status
    quo. Trump has some great ideas and we are in dire need
    of an energetic, positive leader.

  12. Trump watched these establishment idiots screw up time and time again. When he saw the new majority GOP working with the biggest fraud to ever hold office, I think he felt the time was ripe to smack these jerk around. The GOP should have crushed Obama in ’12. Asswipes can’t win against a POS loser. Enough. The best thing that could happen is Trump win. The next best thing could happen is Trump lose but destroy the GOP in the process. We rebuild it with teeth the next time around. As for intaparty fratricide, sticking with single digit politicians makes you a loser. Sticking with bombastic billionaires makes you a loser. It’s a conservative circle firing squad. I hate liberals. Then I hated liberals and Republicans. Now I hate everybody and I will side with anybody willing to fock with DC bigtime.

  13. Trump may not have his wonky Big Book of Policy but he’s got charisma. I’d rather vote for Cruz, Fiorina, Carson or Walker but I’d vote for him. I’d expect he’d remain the Showman-in-Chief and delegate the work to those who know.

    I don’t think he’d have a Press Secretary. He’d come out to the podium and get peppered with questions. He’d tell the reporters that they, “are annoying, that they are asking stupid questions and he’s President and rich.” And would walk out.

    It’d be awesome.

  14. Must read article; thanks for posting Czar of Defenestration:

    Sundance shows how rotten to the core, the establishment Republican party has become; run by Tom Donohue and Wall Street. Jeb Bush is the pre picked candidate and back in 2013, 2014 when no one was looking rules were changed in states in primaries to insure that outcome.

    Unfortunately, like him or not, Trump is the only hope at a new beginning. “Know the plan, see the plan. Know the players and see through the game:”

  15. For any of my Conservative friends (and frankly, I’ve pretty much purged anyone from my life who isn’t Conservative by now) who would suggest that Mr. Trump is nothing more than a party-splitting double agent for Hillary, consider the following:

    How many Ten Billionaires do you imagine who would want or need, at age 70, to turn their life upside down, tank their business relationships with cancellations and boycotts, divulge all of a lifetime’s worth of failed business dealings and failed marriages, plunge those close to him into the same withering scrutiny, openly invite the wrath of the entire U.S. federal apparatus and all of its various agencies and spying arms, just to further the political aspirations of a hated old crone who doesn’t stand even a Chinaman’s chance of winning the election, let alone make an even average President if she did?

    What could Hillary or the Democrats even give The Donald, who needs nothing except whatever he’s set his mind to, assuming that the goal of this conspiracy is Hisself bowing out eventually as he burns up on re-entry from his orbit, that would make all of this worthwhile, somehow, for him?

    I don’t see it. This is real, folks. We can support him or not, but if the RNC gets froggie, I’ll jump with Don too. The Republicans gave up giving a shit about me and mine a very long time ago.

  16. Carly Facts:

    Carly Fiorina supports: “The Dream Act”, Man-made Global Warming, Carbon Tax/Trading proposals, and Common Core Education. In addition she’s aligned with Jeb’s position on immigration (amnesty).

    Yes, you’ll note these are all U.S. Chamber of Commerce specific policy agenda items. That is not accidental.

  17. I think in 1+ year the whole landscape and thought process will be altered. Trump gives straight forward shoot from the hip answers from a real business standpoint, and to me that is good. However, the overwhelming majority of welfare recipients are going to look at him as someone who believes 2+2=4 and that isn’t a possibility in their playbook. Bernie and Hillary are out there giving away free unicorn horns and that’s something to really get behind. I’m all for anyone with common sense, and really that’s all we need is some common sense. Trump seems to have a decent amount of it, but most Americans, and those Americans who are enslaved, will never understand, just give them more imaginary things… Fortunately those particular people have low voter turn out, but that brings in bought votes and fraud thanks to no ID. Democrats are the devil here, what we need is focus.

  18. Read his book Time to get Tough. He has some good ideas in there. To make Mexico pay for the border wall, he could demand that all wire transfers to Mexico be taxed at 50 percent, for example.

  19. Smart conservatives are taking a lot of heat for their support of The Donald. We are acting so out of character no one knows what to do about it — and it’s pissing them off! They’re angry because only Progressives are supposed to be able to dismiss facts, right?

    Here’s my guess on the question:

    Trump is not in it to win it (although if he does, he does), but to serve as a roo-bar, a cow-catcher, knocking the One Party system on its butt, giving everyone of them heartburn, sending their blood pressure into the stratosphere and shaking them out of their inertia for the first time in, like, foreveh.

    And when the time comes, he’ll come to collect on his services rendered. He’s only said about a bazillion time that he buys pols right, left and center. That’s the one set of spots I don’t think he has any intention of changing.

  20. From venturaguy: “I am NOT going to promise to not run 3rd party.”

    He was quoting from a third party I’m sure. Seen the exact same quote over a dozen times.

    Know what’s wrong with that?

    Do you realize EXACTLY how few people today can organize in their thoughts a double negative? It’s goddamn few. Your audience can’t drive a car and speak on the phone while staying in their marked lane.

    Sweet Jeebus, we are screwed, blued and tatooed.

    Lord above, bring the meteor.

  21. Chief, we’re on the same page. He has everything to loose if he drops out. He’s in it to win it and he will. And if the Gop bastards-pussies-traitorous-backstabbing-scum put the screws to him, not only will Trump go indie on us, (thankd God) he would possibly (hopefully)take Cruz with him. I will vote trump if Cruz isnt nominated, and i dont think he will be.

    And as for him guaranteeing a hillary win? I call Bullshit on that. Hell, that old bitch cant even win a primary much less the general. Shes running neck and neck with a socialist and neither one will beat the Don.

  22. Still don’t trust Trump. He likes the Clintons too much.
    Note that video referred to as Birther Report. Still can’t believe after all the yelling about the birth certificate that Trump totally dropped that when the photoshopped joke was produced.
    It was all a setup to promote Trump.

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