Trump’s Sanctions Imposed Upon NOKO Voiced By A Strong Nikki Haley – IOTW Report

Trump’s Sanctions Imposed Upon NOKO Voiced By A Strong Nikki Haley

The U.S. doesn’t screw around any longer. We don’t have a feckless, limp-wristed quisling in charge any longer.


Skip to 2:30

ht/ all too much

14 Comments on Trump’s Sanctions Imposed Upon NOKO Voiced By A Strong Nikki Haley

  1. Haley, a conservative woman is making mincemeat out of our enemies by promoting President Trump’s foreign policies with her own no nonsense flair. She’s an unexpected tigress. The UN doesn’t know what hit them.

  2. As an SC resident, I can say we were excited to have her at first. We weren’t happy about the Confederate flag issue or the way she was bad mouthing Trump. She seems to have changed for the better. If she stays this way I would get behind her again.

  3. When she bowed to the insane, revisionist demands of blm, atifa and the like, as governor of South Carolina, that was all I needed, to know that I would never vote for that POS mutt for any office.

  4. Haley seems to have found her niche.
    That’s a good thing.
    We need to draw away from the dog-and-pony globaloney show of the UN.
    Not get out, necessarily, but withdraw enough money that the monkeys and apes can begin to see which side of the bread the butter is on.
    We don’t need them; they need us.
    Once we (and they) realize that, the better off everyone will be.

    izlamo delenda est …

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