Trump’s State of the Union speech was a home run – IOTW Report

Trump’s State of the Union speech was a home run

Wa Ex: Setting aside the angry, in-your-face delivery, President Trump’s State of the Union speech was tremendously well-crafted. Trump made the best possible case for his administration, highlighting the salutary effects of conservative policies.

Powered by unsustainable debt and loose monetary policy, but also by smarter tax policies and deregulation, the economy does indeed boast the best top-line numbers in U.S. history. Unshackled by a number of executive orders, healthcare costs really are rising far more slowly than they have in many years, even falling in some areas. And yes, our military is being reprovisioned, and our First- and Second-Amendment rights better protected.

Trump highlighted all these successes and more in clear, compelling language. He also made a strong case for conservative social values by highlighting a child who survived a birth at less than 22 weeks of gestation, featuring a student who would benefit from school choice, and sharply delineating the dangerous result of “sanctuary city” policies that provide safe haven even for criminal aliens.

While the scowl and the tone of voice were anything but warm and inclusive, much of the language and many of the themes were Reaganesque. He started with this: “Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, poverty is plummeting, crime is falling, confidence is surging, and our country is thriving and highly respected again! America’s enemies are on the run, America’s fortunes are on the rise, and America’s future is blazing bright.” read more

16 Comments on Trump’s State of the Union speech was a home run

  1. Seems to have upset the Democrats a bit though, as they realize their opponents score is way higher than anything they ever have or could ever hope to achieve for themselves.

  2. “While the scowl and the tone of voice were anything but warm and inclusive…”

    Gimme a break, we had to endure 8 SOTU’s given by a POS that berated and demeaned this great country all while lecturing us that our best days were behind us. Sounds like Hilyer has selective Alzheimer’s.

  3. This morning, ‘Buy My Vote For Obamacare’ Van Hollen said Pelosi’s tearing was all you could do. Now imagine if that had been Obama. Lock the zoo animals away this fall and make them clean up their cages. Never vote ‘Rat.

  4. I felt vindicated by that speech. Beautiful and strong.

    The writer of this article acted like he didn’t want to write it. “Setting aside the angry, in-your-face delivery” and “There are those of us who think Trump is not just distasteful in personality but corrupt and ultimately dangerous.” Well, Mr. Smart Ass, F* you!

    I know it galled you to admit President Trump is succeeding in spite of the hate and resistance of the left, but the majority of this country loves what he is doing and who he is! You obviously saw and KNOW that he is the best president of our age. He is working as hard as he can to right the shit that the left has tried to make of this country. He is doing it.


    PS Sorry for the F* you. I rarely use it, but after that speech, I don’t know if I will be able to take even the hint of anti-Trump without standing up for him. I will try not to use that language, though. It seems to just degrade the message.

  5. Ooh Claudia darn neared cussed! *marks it on calendar* LOL!

    I agree with Claudia and WDS. I didn’t hear or see him looking angry/in your face. He looked serious. Maybe that was the confusion. POTUS can Tweet and chew gum at the same time.

  6. For me, a highlight was when President Trump correctly laid claim to doing what he’s done in the interest of and for the benefit of American citizens, UNLIKE HIS PREDECESSORS.

    And also laying claim to a renewed national pride, reflected in the respect of other nations.

  7. Claudia
    FEBRUARY 5, 2020 AT 10:12 AM

    “Well, Mr. Smart Ass, F* you!”

    …we fully understand, Claudia, you’re addressing yourself to an asinine, hate-filled Democrat, and you have to say SOME things on HIS level to get your message through.

    We’ve ALL been there, me, probably more than my share.

    …not saying the Lord’s a fan of F bombs, but He certainly understands righteous anger…

    “1 And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand.

    2 And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him.

    3 And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.

    4 And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace.

    5 And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.”
    Mark 3:1-5

    …Jesus was angered that the Pharisee would use the opportunity of His healing a person in need as a chance to trap him with a made-up law. They cared nothing for suffering: only their political power was important, and Jesus stood in the way of that, and so ANY excuse to remove Him would do.

    Sounds kind of familiar…

    …and you are angry at OUR modern-day Pharisees for using THEIR made-up “law” to try to trap the President He chose for us.

    …I am not the Lord, but that sounds pretty righeous to ME…

    …it’s best not to let them get to you, true, but an occasional slip is just our human nature. You owe only the Lord prayers for your slip, the rest of us understand completely, and I should benas good at self-control as you…


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