Trump’s Statement After Terrorism Versus Obama’s – IOTW Report

Trump’s Statement After Terrorism Versus Obama’s

Obama leverages the event for political gain, blaming the availability of guns rather than the sick twisted ideology of his faith. (Yes, his faith.)

Via The Daily Caller-

20 Comments on Trump’s Statement After Terrorism Versus Obama’s

  1. I have absolutely NO respect for anyone that voted for OFUCKINGBAMA even one time more so twice! If you were so stupid you didn’t understand his “Kill America” message back in 08, it’s not worth my time to even associate with you…I don’t give a shit if we are blood relation or not!

  2. Sorry. I know it’s historical reference, but I have a personal pact with myself to never watch that miserable mofo again. EVER. I just can’t do it
    Loved Trump in Saudi Arabia and israel. I don’t need to hear the mental midget anymore. He’s history. Done.

  3. The end result of O’s desire is more dead Americans. Disarming the victims is all he wanted.

    He couldn’t kill America fast enough on his own.

    He was consistent. You were always a bad person for wanting to live and kill the terrorists. Always.

  4. The Obama family is like a huge turd that has been flushed from America. Unfortunately the toilet bowel called the media continues to focus on the shitstains left behind.

  5. Ah yes, the first half black president of the United States. He shall go down in history as one of the greatest stains on all of America. Especially Black Americans.

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