Trump’s support is a direct result of the seething, white-hot rage in the American spirit – IOTW Report

Trump’s support is a direct result of the seething, white-hot rage in the American spirit



Trump is harder than woodpecker lips. He ante’d up. He’s all-in. And if he doesn’t win, it will be the biggest failure of his career. Period. The demonization won’t stop if he simply loses.

Trump’s support is a direct result of the seething, white-hot rage in the American spirit.

That said, just remember, by showing up to the polls in November, and yanking the crank that says, “Donald J. Trump,” you, and millions like you, will have effectively sent the biggest, meanest, most hateful bird-finger in the direction of the Deep(Dark) State possible; you’ll have utterly embarrassed them.

More of this colorful, and spot on, rant here.

ht/ Col. Angus

16 Comments on Trump’s support is a direct result of the seething, white-hot rage in the American spirit

  1. Yes I see them, The National Review, The Weekly Standard. “Please renew your subscription, we need to stay in business.”
    Arrivederci Good bye my friends, you have let me down./

  2. The elite ones,you know,our betters simply because we pick them to go to Washington. Have told us that to get along we needed to go along. For decades we acquiesced hoping that maybe this election they would to finally keep their promises they made us. Well,eff them and the horse the rode in on. Trumps not my first pick,but if just one of them had just a bit of a clue about how the rest of us felt and addressed us as equals instead of serfs and spoke like Trump instead of some of sock puppet they would our nominee. But,noooo..they wanted to play the “we’re morally superior and no how to play the DC game”. Well,how did that work out???? Say it one more time…Effff THEM!

  3. If Trump loses, this will be the last time I ever vote. That’s where I’m at. Electing Hillary will prove that our country, no matter how many yuge rallies Trump holds, is lost. Whether the vote count is legit or not, if she wins, fuck it.

    If she becomes the President of this nation, after all that has been revealed about her tenure as Secretary of State, much less her 30 year record of evil, we no longer are living in a civil society. Obama/Jarrett stuck the knife into the Rule of Law but Hillary will rip that knife across it’s abdomen and will let it’s entrails spill out.

    Among others needing to take a bow at our wake, please stand for the NEA and the left dominated media. Both have shamelessly sought the destruction of our history, traditions and culture.

    Of course none of this nightmare would be possible had us pee-ons had actual, yaknow, representation in Congress rather then the colluding traitors that say, “build the dang wall” get reelected and develop amnesia.

    But in the end, and you can’t deny it, it’s we citizens who must take responsibility for this outcome. We actually took the people we voted for at their word!! On man, is that stupid on steroids or what? Cast a vote every couple years and job done huh?

    The 4th Turning says what’s happening is inevitable-happened before and will happen again. Of course everyone reading this will be long dead but thems the apples.

    Next up? The bloodiest century in history compliments of an elite class that will either crush us with their power or crush us as we try to seize that power. You think if a miracle happens and we have a President Trump, you think he can withstand these forces?

  4. Oh sweet justice, were it possible to tat that entire rant, as a permanent epithet, on the wide greasy foreheads of every RINO.
    The coup de gras is the uncomfortable close proximity required to read such tiny print.

    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  5. Already voted for Trump and Pence — Never Give In and Never Give Up!

    White hot rage is an understatement — Bury the needle on the Hatred Meter for all the traitors in our midst.

  6. The American people, if they elect Hillary are dumber than I ever thought they could be.
    It would show that Jimmy Carter’s Department of Education has been more successful than any other commie program ever invented.

  7. What’s the difference between us conservatives and the left?


    Remember my worried brethren, there was a time when Hitler looked invincible.

    May the left and the RINOs be delivered to Hitler’s same exact fate.

  8. MM…i put the blame squarely on the media. they were supposed to drag the corruption and incompetence out into the light so we could deal with it. well they made their bed…now they get to lay in it

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