Trump’s Timing With Comey Was IMPECCABLE – IOTW Report

Trump’s Timing With Comey Was IMPECCABLE

On the whisper mill-

The left is upset with Trump over, among other things, the timing of the Comey firing. But it was calculated and timed perfectly by Trump. Comey was fired when he was away from his office, that way all of his files couldn’t “disappear” Clinton-style once he got the ax.

Comey’s office was raided and all Clinton files taken.


ht/ all too much

22 Comments on Trump’s Timing With Comey Was IMPECCABLE

  1. These past few months have been more rolicking than one ould ever imagine. Loving every minute of the laughter, suspense and the winning. Keep praying for PDT as if the life of our great country depends on God and Trump.

  2. President Trump, you’re doing a great job. Keep draining that swamp! You have our prayers and strength. America needs you more than she knows! Thank you for being our Leader!

  3. > Thomas F. O’Connor, the association’s president, said in a statement released Thursday. “As we move forward, Agents continue to do our work with the same level of professionalism and commitment that the American people expect and deserve.”

    What the American people expect is why Hillary lost to the most “inexperienced” candidate since George Washington.

    What the American people deserve is a federal crime.

  4. Given Comey’s record of extreme partisan behavior, it would have been foolhardy for the Trump WH/DoJ to alert him of a pending dismissal. THAT would have been treating the American people “shabbily.” McCabe is next. I hope the DoJ also secured the files on Fast & Furious, Pigford, the BLM fiasco, IRS, Boston Marathon, Florida disco attack, and so on and so on and on.

  5. An ancient recipe.
    6/10ths Secret Sauce
    3/10ths Good or Better or Best Timing
    A 10th or 2 of Love
    Shake it all about
    Do the Hokey Pokey
    …and a Whole Lotta Rosie

    That’s what it’s all about

  6. @Mr Anth Ropy – That’s EXACTLY why you see the left running circles in panic. It has everything to do with losing the last reliable swamp dweller to keep Clinton crimes – and swamp treason – hidden.

    The media shrugged off Clinton and Obama lying about why they let 4 Americans die in Benghazi and for 2 weeks they lied that the deaths were caused by an internet video.

    Now they panic because all dems, all GOP, Rosenstein, Sessions and Trump agreed Comey should be fired and Trump fires him. There’s no daylight between Trump’s decision and the DOJ recommendation but media says it shows “confusion”.

    They said the Trump campaign was in “disarray”. They said the Trump transition was in “disarray”. They said the White House was in “disarray” after the health care vote was pulled.

    Dimocrites are the ones in panic and disarray.

  7. Ya know what I like about Trump? He gets even, he finds that little niche’ and then he goes for the throat. Everyone tries to get Trump at the knees, but not Trump, he finishes them off with the first blow. This is why I cried when he got elected. He’s everything America needed! Go Trump!

  8. I called this in another post. Just like corporations that “perp-walk” employees out the door with security guards. Except, Comey didn’t even get a chance to come back into his office. Smart move, Mr. President.

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