Trump’s Ultimate Troll Move – IOTW Report

Trump’s Ultimate Troll Move

The other night All Too Much alerted me to a section of the FCC website that was soliciting comments from readers who wanted to weigh in on the Trump administration’s “Election Integrity” commission. The commission is asking states for personal information about voters in order to verify their existence.

To make a comment a person was asked to provide their name address and telephone number. The site published this info along with their comment.

In other words, Trump released the personal information of people concerned that they were having their personal information released.

This is master level trolling.

I’m not endorsing it. In fact, I’m shaking my head while laughing, not sure what to make of this.

The only thing I can think of is this face-

-and I’m glad he’s on our side.

Vox hates him.

13 Comments on Trump’s Ultimate Troll Move

  1. On a side note, why does Drudge hate Trump? He keeps giving red banner headlines to salacious, but not proven, Russian crap:


    He is using AP as his headline drive, a fake news outfit.

  2. Trump is a complete Master of Cause and Effect !
    Where Usually we come in and Clean up After the Liberals Mess, it would Seem Trump is Cleaning the Liberals themselves !!!
    No Wonder they’re Crazy it’s Their Exorcisim !

  3. My favorite Trump snark of all was election night when he ended his explanation of the networks taking so long to call the MI and PA — “It’s a complicated business.” He has a way of saying something that is completely innocent yet makes a scathing indictment of the usual suspects. Then that broad mugface he does. Love it!

  4. It’s amazing how they suddenly care about responsible government.

    For 8 years they laid in the hammock as Obama did whatever he wanted, now they are checking everything.

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