Trump’s Very Good Week Puts Foes On Edge – IOTW Report

Trump’s Very Good Week Puts Foes On Edge

It is but a foretaste of the fight to come, but the news the MSM choose to cover and ignore this week was all good for the president.





4 Comments on Trump’s Very Good Week Puts Foes On Edge

  1. Thanks, Dr. Tar. That is a really good article. I was pleased that the writer enumerated this #2:

    “I am linking to the transcripts of his Saudi Arabian and Israel speeches. I urge you to read them in their entirety. If you read accounts of them in your paper or viewed them on television you will be in the dark about the earth-shattering shift in U.S. policy and the clarity this president brings to the issue of Moslem extremism and how to crush it, something distorted and concealed for at least the previous eight years of his successor and even longer in the Deep State with its Arabist slant. Compare the text, for example, with these reporters’ tweets:

    Jim Acosta [CNN]@Acosta

    Trump rightly asked this part of world to stiffen spine in battle against terrorism. But where was the appeal to our collective humanity?

    Julie Pace‏[AP] Verified account @jpaceDC
    Trump lavishes praise on “magnificent” Saudi Arabia, but stays publicly silent on human rights”

    I said the same thing last week — so it’s nice to have one’s strong views echoed by a actual writer for AT. 🙂

  2. So, basically Trump told the Middle East and Europe to grown up and take care of your shit. And also to pay your NATO membership as agreed. But, we will still be there to kill isis! Not even a word about Assad, so I’m guessing that this is going to be close to the end of that regime. Next up, norks, and the same message to the Chinese.

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