Trump’s withdrawal from Syria may be a disaster- for Iran and Turkey – IOTW Report

Trump’s withdrawal from Syria may be a disaster- for Iran and Turkey

American Thinker: In December 2018, Trump ordered the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, where they’d been hard at work destroying the last military vestiges of ISIS, the one-time “JV team” that ignited a reign of terror across Iraq and Syria. The Democrat party and its lapdog media promised us that our Kurdish allies would be slaughtered and we’d be on the verge of yet another one of the many Trump initiated World Wars.

None of that happened, but it appears that two regimes hostile to American interests are at each other’s throats. And of course, it’s always preferable when one’s enemies turn their aggression towards each other.

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12 Comments on Trump’s withdrawal from Syria may be a disaster- for Iran and Turkey

  1. We should never get involved in a conflict that we don’t plan on winning quickly. American lives are worth something even if leadership doesn’t think so. If you can’t get in and get out, then stay out. These people have been fighting for thousands of years, let them do the dying and the suffering.

  2. Our presence over there only tends to turn enemies into allies. Pull out and let them shed their blood and resources on each other. We can fairly effectively deal with them with air and sea power on a as needed basis. Our policies will never change their centuries old hate of each other. They’re stuck in religious barbarism and always will be.

  3. Even if an anti- jihad, pro life, pro woman, pro justice blah blah blah dude became leader of Turkey or Syria, or where ever, what are the chances of the brainless subhumans following suit and behaving themselves?


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