“Truth Over Facts” Mockumentary Episode One:”The Thing” – IOTW Report

“Truth Over Facts” Mockumentary Episode One:”The Thing”


Trump ‘Truth over Facts’ website parodies Biden blunders, but media miss the joke- More

13 Comments on “Truth Over Facts” Mockumentary Episode One:”The Thing”

  1. PBS of all places had a great 2 hr. documentary about Clarence Thomas called Created equal.. Clarence Thomas in his own words on Monday night. I was pleasantly surprised by this excellent documentary about Clarence Thomas. The part that stood out to me though was when he was being interrogated by Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy and a lot of other democrap Senators during his confirmation hearings to be nominated to the Supreme Court. Biden was a major league asshole in the way he treated Clarence Thomas unfairly to be unworthy to be a Supreme Court Justice just because he believed in natural law and the Constitution as it was written. Biden showed his true colors and tried to make Clarence Thomas look like a fool but it backfired on him when Mr. Thomas stood up for his rights and told the Senators that this was nothing but a high tech lynching and he wasn’t going to take it any more. The Senators were all dumbfounded at this and I believe it was at this point the tide shifted to Thomas’s favor. Anita Hill’s testimony was all bullshit as well and thank God the Senate by a 52-48 margin nominated him to the Supreme Court. And Biden is still as big an ass or worse than he was then who is not worthy of ever becoming the President of the United States. And people are taking notice that he is totally incompetent, a fraud, a scoundrel and a cheat, liar etc. who will do anything to gain power. If the democraps are stupid enough to nominate him for President he will make McGovern and Walter Mondale look like pikers when he gets his ass kicked by Donald Trump in the election.

  2. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama will never become President of the United States of America. He’s got more lost baggage than the Titanic. Between Humper and Tara Reade, Our Poor Joey has more to account for than any candidate since President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, and we all know how that worked out. Incidentally, I don’t believe Humper, even if he’s telling the truth, and I believe Tara Reade, even if she’s lying. I choose to believe her truth over his version of the facts. The Dementiacrats are on a kamikaze flight into the Full Catastrophe Convention.

  3. As mentioned by Geoff up above –
    Who TRULY started the vitriolic partisanship on Capitol Hill?
    – Joe Biden – along with lady killer Ted Kennedy.
    Before the Robert Bork then Clarence Thomas torture sessions for Conservative Supreme Court nominees, you didn’t see so much off the wall partisan hackmanship.
    The liberals selected Joe Biden because “he can reach across the aisle better than most any other Democrat candidate.”
    If that is true, the whole lot of Democrat leaders are horrible people that should be kept out of power at all costs, because Biden has been a disgusting dishonest hack his entire corrupt political career.

  4. @ geoff the aardvark May 20, 2020 at 12:36 pm As much as fervently hope you are correct my fear is that the gov’t schools and MSM have had 30 more years of dumbing down the electorate and, especially, following corona virus, I fear that Trump’s reelection will not be a McGovern style walk in the park.


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