Try it with clam dip – IOTW Report

Try it with clam dip

Support how? What does this mean? Do you want a gay son? Do you want a transgender daughter? Or do you just want freaks to buy your damn chips?

63 Comments on Try it with clam dip

  1. The paint chip eaters will feel right at home. I’ve been on the fence with Doritos for some time now since I like eating them, but they are a Pepsi company. I stopped eating them about a year ago and have just recently found it difficult to pass them up while wandering thru the store. No more.. I won’t have any more second thoughts.

    May red 5, orange 8, yellow 7, green 14, blue 10, violet 19 leak violently from their assholes so it can be licked right up.

  2. WHY are these corporations so stupid, taking sides on issues that will automatically piss off at least SOME of their customers? Do they really expect that much of a bump in business for this, long term? Do they not understand that when you’ve lost customers, you’ve lost them FOREVER?

  3. The proceeds go to the It Gets Better Foundation headed by Dan Savage, one of the vilest, nastiest and most disgusting human beings on the planet.

    He also has a new tv show mocking Christianity coming on NBC. I guess you can eat your doritos while having the homo agenda shoved down your throat (or up your butt as the case may be).

    I’d starve before I’d eat another dorito. Seriously

  4. I guess I should probably quit going to Taco Hell as well. Taco Hell, KFC etc. are all owned by PepsiCo. We need to declare a Doritos boycott and hit em in their bottom line. Besides I never liked Pepsi and especially diet Pepsi in the first place, I prefer RC when I drink cola. And Mountain Dew I need to quit buying as well.

  5. You have to donate $10 to get a bag, they aren’t for sale in the store.

    Not defending them, but brands have to be inclusive in order to be brands these days. Doritos and other chip brands today are able to quickly change their product to suit promotions, contests or sibling brands at little cost. Since this is a limited gay interest release that I will never be forced to look at in store whether I buy Doritos or not, I wouldn’t boycott the brand just yet.

    It’s at best an accounting and marketing gimmick designed to placate goofs and gain more exposure. I also bet the brand employs a lot of people, these type of promotions are loved by HR folks.

  6. I bet they taste like male ass and other unsavory parts. Pandering to a tiny, deviant, perverted group only works if you don’t piss off everyone else in the process.

    Congratulations Fritos, I will never buy your products again.

  7. We should pity Dan Savage. His eternal fate is sealed if he does not repent from his perversity. There will be no homosexuals in heaven. God will not be mocked forever. God has the last and ultimate final word.

  8. Glad I don’t have to give up anything, quit with Frito-Lay years ago, if I don’t make my own the $2 a bag chips taste just fine.
    They come in two colours, white corn and yellow corn.

  9. Aww yeah. Memories. Thanks for posting.
    Never saw that TANG commercial but I did see the Nipsey Russell takeoff on it:

    ” PruneTang. PruneTang for breakfast.
    ‘Honey how ’bout some nice orange juice for breakfast?’
    ‘Naw, baby, you gonna get some o’ dat PruneTang.'”

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