It has been a bad few weeks for the #Metoo movement – IOTW Report

It has been a bad few weeks for the #Metoo movement

11 Comments on It has been a bad few weeks for the #Metoo movement

  1. Sorry, but I just can’t get on the trash Argento bandwagon. I saw a pic of her and the “kid” in bed, and he did not look “assaulted” to me. He looked like he was all for it.

  2. They simply don’t care. It is horrible, it has been horrible since time began, and the Left will do nothing about it.
    The only reason it started was anti-Trump. That forced them to recognize their own, which was enough for them to drop it.

  3. What a load of crap. The little flower has sex with a women twenty years his senior, settles with a non-disclosure, cashed the check and then goes public because he was “assaulted”.
    He got hid fifty pieces of silver, charge him with prostitution.

  4. Whether he wanted it or not, the fact that “women don’t lie about such things” is the operative phrase when it is against a someone leans conservative. I believe the evidence shows that Clarence THomas did not do those things that were alleged by Anita Hill, but many of the left still believe him to be guilty. Victims of Bill Clinton, however, get dragged through the mud. Donald Trump supposedly paid off Stormy Daniels and people say the President should be impeached for it. Ellison supposedly beat his domestic partner and he gets the Democratic nomination for the chief Law Enforcement officer in Minnesota.

  5. Gladys

    I fully agree with your low level of concern for the poor unfortunate boy who was (willingly) a victim of Argento.

    It’s just that she should not then be one of the primary spokespeople declaring Harvey Weinstein evil for wanting sex with a younger (willing) victim.
    – Also do an image search for her. (NSFW) She is not shy. Not at all.

  6. A female lawyer in Hollywood has a blog that outs these pervs daily. It is sick just to read both the blind items and reveals. Crazy Days and Nights. Google it for the URL.

    And yes, Argento and her ex are on a few of the items.


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