Tsunami Hits Tonga After Massive Undersea Volcano Eruption – IOTW Report

Tsunami Hits Tonga After Massive Undersea Volcano Eruption

Six impressive videos on the Citizen Free Press Website.

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

20 Comments on Tsunami Hits Tonga After Massive Undersea Volcano Eruption

  1. We had Tsunami siren warnings here and what does everyone do? They flock to our beach with cameras. If we really had to get out there are only two roads to get away from the coast here. 🙄

  2. Interestingly, it did explode, but not in the way one might think.
    A steep cliff of cooled lava and ash slid into the ocean, revealing a pool of cooling but still molten lava.
    When the water hit that pool, it exploded into steam.

  3. Magma is moving closer to the surface of the earth to make room in Hell for the billions who are about to make that place their eternal residence in the next 8 or 9 years. See Rev 6:8; Joshua 3:3,4; Matt 24:21,22.

  4. I remember the 2011 tsunami when I was vacationing on the Big Island ofHawaii. There were people running to the shore to see it. I know because I was up the hill watching the idjits. Sadly, Obumbles wasn’t at his vacation house at the time.

  5. Check out “Into the Inferno” on Netflix. One of the best documentaries I’ve seen.
    Visiting active volcanos everywhere.
    The planet we live on can kill a whole bunch of us in a heartbeat if it wants to.

  6. @ Carlos the Jackal

    “The planet we live on can kill a whole bunch of us in a heartbeat if it wants to.”

    Fortunately for us, the planet doesn’t even seem to care that we are destroying it. /sarc


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