Tuberville Ends Holds on Military Promotions – IOTW Report

Tuberville Ends Holds on Military Promotions

1819 News

After over nine months of holding up military promotions, U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) announced Tuesday that he is releasing his hold on leadership nominees except for four-star generals.

Tuberville has faced massive backlash for months over his decision to refuse approval of military nominees in one block in protest of the Biden administration’s policy of funding abortion-related expenses for service members to travel to other states to procure abortions if their state of residence has legal restrictions. More

5 Comments on Tuberville Ends Holds on Military Promotions

  1. “…the possibility of being subverted”. so then get subverted, go down swinging and stay in the fight. sooooooo many pussies out there. yeah yeah yeah we fought the good fight blah blah blah. you took it far but no to the end. show that you own party would have eventually stuck it in your fart locker, fuckin show us and don’t cave in

  2. @DC — Perhaps you haven’t read what was about to happen with a deal between the dems and the RINOs (and I include the Speaker, alas). Tuberville was stabbed in the back. By “our” side. Bastards.

  3. Tupperware-ville a fart in the wind. It’s focks like these the American people don’t take kindly too. Abortion vs our Military, take your fockhead religious views & stuff em, igits!


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