Tuck Choad On the Press Conference – IOTW Report

Tuck Choad On the Press Conference

“The big takeaway [of the press conference] is that it goes back to Covid, It was the only piece of news he intended to make and he made it. There wasn’t a single question on it, which tells you one other thing…. there’s clearly not any negative questions to ask. A press corps asks you about challenges. They don’t necessarily ask you about things that are going well. Covid is going very well for him.”

He also said Biden is not as pugilistic as his predecessor.

You think?

The press corps turned everything Trump did into a crisis and a challenge, no matter how well it was going.

Lay down for the guy you want in the oval office and PRESTO he is a marvelous president.\Bitch and moan over everything and the president is a disaster.

The media knows the masses are dumb as shit. And by masses, I mean the left.

17 Comments on Tuck Choad On the Press Conference

  1. What is there to say about Covid, the only people testing positive are illegals being released into the country. Anyone that watched this saw it was an orchestrated disaster, Biden lost his train of thought often, he didn’t hide he had a preplanned sequence of questions, he answered a gun question toward the end with an infrastructure answer, and he wondered around like he lost his mind – just a few of the highlights. You can’t even compare this to the last administration or any other in recent history.

  2. What a performance in front of a collection of trained seals posing as journalists. Oh, well. I’ll bet his handlers think President* Dementia Joe did a bang up job. He proved that answering questions from his Stenography Corps is easier than climbing stairs.

  3. I missed it as we have been hunkering in our basement bathroom with several tornadoes coming within a couple of miles of us. We have more on the way.

    I wonder if he will visit–ah who am I kidding. No Show Joe


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