Tucker Carlson Begs Republicans to Stop Being Democrats – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Begs Republicans to Stop Being Democrats

CTH: Tucker Carlson used his opening monologue tonight to beg Republicans to stop being Democrats.   Most of what Carlson outlines is accurate, especially the “Nikki Haley waiting in the wings” to return to the UniParty rules part.

The end solution is the appropriate course.  We The People must take action to force a resounding Trump reelection, and then demand the GOP abandon their leftist alignment. WATCH

11 Comments on Tucker Carlson Begs Republicans to Stop Being Democrats

  1. So, if republicans won’t work for us, we don’t vote for them? Then who do we vote for? The whole system is rigged. I live in a red state with republican senators and congressman. And they don’t care if I won’t vote for them because they still win without me. I just don’t see how we vote ourselves out of this. I don’t know the answers but I don’t see it happening at the ballot box.

  2. Being from South Carolina I can honestly say that Nimrata Haley should “stay in her lane” and forget about 2024. The same goes for Rubio who is already in pre-grooming mode for another run at it. Just look at some of the committees he’s being installed in.

    Republicans had better get over the “kindler, gentler” BS. And fast.

  3. I continue to get mailers almost daily from Trump seeking donations for Republicans. I will vote for and contribute to Trump, I will not support Cornyn, McConnell, Graham, Murkowski and the rest of them.

  4. I went to vote in the primaries like I always do. I voted against pretty much every incumbent. Inhoffe isn’t horribly bad, especially for DC, but he’s been there for 30 something years, pretty much his entire life has been in politics. He’s 80 something years old, it’s time for him to go. I was way in the minority as he won with 70 something percent of the vote.
    Mullins lied when he ran and said he would serve 3 terms max, he should have been held to that, but he wasn’t and he won this time with almost 80% of the vote. All across Oklahoma it was pretty much the same, Tom Cole the biggest liberal next to Kendra Horn this state has sent to D.C. won overwhelmingly. Republican voters are just as much as the problem as the politicians are. Only a small percentage show up to vote in primaries and those that do overwhelmingly are just as stupid as democrat voters, they know not a damn thing. Yesterday it was around noon and I actually read numerous of Republican voters on local 2nd amendment, conservative, Republican FB groups saying they needed to go vote but didn’t know who to vote for and asking who X group endorsed and weren’t even really sure who all was running.

    I’m tired of stupid people. We need to somehow come up with a test or some kind of way to make sure only those who can at least name their elected officials are allowed to vote.


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