Tucker Carlson – “CNN are buffoons, the drunk guy at the party with bad breath that won’t stop talking” – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson – “CNN are buffoons, the drunk guy at the party with bad breath that won’t stop talking”

26 Comments on Tucker Carlson – “CNN are buffoons, the drunk guy at the party with bad breath that won’t stop talking”

  1. This guy deserves a medal. That is the difference between liberal and conservative. Tucker speaks with knowledge and facts. Liberals spew hate and lies knowing nothing about the facts (reality). Keep it up Tucker.

  2. That has to be one of the best metaphor’s I’ve heard in quite some time. “the drunk at the party with bad breath, that won’t stop talking” beyond funny.

  3. Acosta never allows the facts to sway his progressive, racist, anti-American narrative.

    Acosta’s actions are far from ignorance, it is a carefully engineered propaganda technique.

    ‘If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.’

  4. Eric Bolling took a shot at Miller for his “inappropriate response”. Bolling just took a step down in my eyes.
    The only way to make a Prog listen is to embarrass them, it’s an emotion they cannot control.
    Ridicule, the first arrow drawn from my quiver, followed closely by sarcasm.

  5. @Dianny – “…Nothing says “you lost the battle” quite like having to still argue your point long after the battle has ended…”

    A certain Black Knight from “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” comes to mind. It’s only a flesh wound!

  6. I think Acosta recognized his ignorance. Both sets of my grandparents were essentially peasants from Italy. But between both sets they raised seven children all who speak perfect English, all the men served in WWII or post-WWII, all seven are/were productive citizens who are Americans, raised good families, and never asked for or accepted a dime from the government. Also, my grandparents never had voting ballots in their language, no welfare, no food stamps, no housing vouchers, no free medical care, no nothing except the desire to succeed in America and be American. They were never rich but they were happy, productive, and American. They spoke broken English though 3 of 4 of them never had formal schooling in Italy. So are the elites so racists as to assume those who came from Europe during the great (LEGAL) immigration wave of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were smarter than those from Central America? Sounds it to me. I am sick and tired of bending over backwards to those who 1) dont belong here in the first place (illegals) and 2) those who come here legally and do not assimilate. Miller is spot on: where is the compassion from these elites for Americans?

  7. Why they let Jim Acosta from CNN act like this is his personal campaign debate against Trump, is perplexing.

    Take his press pass, and kick him out of all White House functions.

    Is that too hard to do, or too much to ask?

  8. Pull Acosta’s WH pass
    Instruct CNN that if they send a replacement saboteur intent on hijacking a WH briefing into a “debate”, it will be CNN losing its WH credentials.
    Same for all the MSM.
    Then, enforce it.

  9. Serious suggestion: televise the WH spokesperson/s portion of the briefing.
    Then, turn the cameras off for the Q & A portion.
    The showboating only works when it’s televised. Deprive them of any opportunity for. video.

    And seriously, its long past time to start pulling Press passes. .

  10. stop2think — Like X 10! Great comment.

    When Miller talked about the Colossus poem not being part of the original message of the Statue of Liberty, did you catch Acosta muttering out of the side of his mouth for his Leftard press friends to hear: “Sound like a National Park Service revising history thing…” Acosta got a cheap laugh from the peanut gallery, but it also revealed something about him and his pals. They know very well at least one aspect of our social situation — the revision of history; enough so that it got a knowing laugh. And his attempt at arrogant sarcasm, I thought, should be enough to get him suspended, if not permanently, at least for a long time from the briefings. Acosta is a smart ass punk who thinks he’s all that and, as they say, a bag of chips. It delightful to watch him get a pie in the face from Miller, who is so unflappable I sometimes think the guy is taking some kind of downer.

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