Tucker Carlson confronts Mexican immigration official – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson confronts Mexican immigration official

DC: Things got awkward fast when Tucker Carlson asked a Mexican official why Central Americans migrating through Mexico shouldn’t be allowed to remain there.

Speaking with Guanajuato Secretary of Migration Juan Hernandez on Wednesday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the Fox News host began by asking why Hernandez’s own words from the past wouldn’t constitute a “hostile act” against the United States.


“I want to read three quotes from a Mexican government official, and these are direct quotes,” Carlson said. “‘We are betting Mexican-Americans will think ‘Mexico first,’ even unto the seventh generation. Mexican immigrants to the United States are going to keep one foot in Mexico. They are not going to assimilate in the sense of not being Mexican,’ and final quote, ‘We recognize the Mexican population is 100 million in Mexico and 23 million who live in the United States. We are a united nation.’”

“Those quotes are from you,” Carlson told Hernandez. “And I wonder if a government takes that position, that it’s sending foreign nationals to your country. That is a hostile act. So why are we sending money to a country committing hostile acts against us?”

“No, it’s not, my friend, no, no it’s not a hostile act at all,” Hernandez said before stating that the quote was from “about 15 years ago.”

Hernandez responded to Carlson’s attempts to nail him down as to whether his position had changed by contending that the U.S. immigration system is “still broken.” After a back-and-forth, the Fox News host asked Hernandez why the Mexican government wasn’t “stopping migrants from Central America before they get to the United States.”

“Instead, Mexico is encouraging them to come here,” Carlson contended. “That is not the behavior of an ally. They are not welcome. They are not here legally. We have a process and they are not going through the process. So that is an act of hostility and you can lie about it all you want but we know that it is. ”  WATCH

12 Comments on Tucker Carlson confronts Mexican immigration official

  1. After the way TC whitewashed Biden’s molestation of little girls I could not care less about ANYTHING this POS says.

    I bet his opinion would change if the little girl being molested by Biden was HIS underage daughter!

  2. ‘We recognize the Mexican population is 100 million in Mexico and 23 million who live in the United States. We are a united nation.’”, ……… “about 15 years ago.”.

    So the Mexican government claims 23 million of its citizens here 15 years ago.

    Wonder what the number is today, and how many of them are here illegally.

  3. Pay protection money. Millions and millions more… and then… maybe… if anything is left over after the politicos pocket some, they might do something to help stop the flow.

    (By the way, cslamer — re Tucker’s inexplicable and weird non-condemnation of Biden’s perverted behavior — and Ingraham did the same thing, even shutting down Tammy Bruce — I’m suspected lib changes and orders at Fox. Same crap that took Pirro off the air.)

  4. Anyone who calls you “my friend” in a overtly swarmy voice cannot be trusted. His eyes are also permanently squinted so his motives can be concealed. I will again propose that what we are witnessing is an invasion of a third-world military force backed by Soros, the UN, and the democrats. They will be part of the planned mass voter fraud and then be given arms to fight for the socialist cause. If it looks like a duck . . .

  5. Children believe in Santa Claus. If confronted, they express their deep thoughts that “He might be real. You can’t prove otherwise!” And that’s… OK.

    Daytime talk show guests believe even if the DNA proves they’re not the father, their wife didn’t cheat on them. If confronted, they express their deep thoughts that “She might have been raped when she was drunk. You can’t prove otherwise!” And that’s… OK.

    If the American people — as opposed to the people ruled by the government of The United States of America — want a home(land), they will have to find it outside The United States of America. Should they express their deep thoughts otherwise… that’s OK.

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