Tucker Carlson demolishes hotshot lawyer hired to represent accused Rockville rapist – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson demolishes hotshot lawyer hired to represent accused Rockville rapist

AmericanThinker: Last night on his eponymous Fox News program, Tucker Carlson interviewed David Moyse, an attorney hired to defend 18 year-old Henry Sanchez-Milian, who is in this country illegally, against a charge of rape against a 14 year old girl in a bathroom at a Rockville, MD, high school. Moyse is one of those youngish (in his 30s) lawyers who gets himself on lists of up-and-comers, like this one, and is a name partner in a criminal defense firm.

In going on TV to make the case for his client, Counselor Moyse found himself being cross-examined and saying something he soon had cause to regret. So far as I know, Tucker Carlson has never attended law school, but his questioning skills outpaced the experienced  attorney’s ability to answer.

Justin Baragona of Mediaite summarizes the lead-in to the disaster for Moyse:

After a bit of a back-and-forth over who is paying Moyse to represent the suspect — Moyse wouldn’t disclose to Carlson that info — the Fox host pushed the lawyer on whether he’d represent Sanchez-Milian on his immigration issues if he’s found innocent. The attorney pointed out he doesn’t do immigration law and is not really focused on his status.

So, an unnamed party or parties are paying for the defense. No doubt this information does not have to be disclosed, but it is interesting that unseen hands are influencing the course of the case. A case so explosive that the MSM is suppressing news of it.

But that was just a warm-up:

Following a portion where Carlson tried to make Moyse give him an answer on how he’d feel if one of his daughters was in the same class as his client, Carlson then took offense to the lawyer saying that there “could be a number of questions asked about all three of the people involved in this” case.

“Man, you better be right about this if you’re good to be impugning the character of a 14-year-old girl who says she was raped,” Carlson exclaimed. “Other people said they heard her screams. To impugn her character, you really before God better be sure that you are on the right side of this.”

Watch Moyse’s eyes, as he realizes that he has just admitted that as a matter of  tactics, the victim would be put on trial for her character.

VIDEO here

17 Comments on Tucker Carlson demolishes hotshot lawyer hired to represent accused Rockville rapist

  1. “unnamed party funding the defense”
    Oh give us a break. Bad Brad, Moe Tom and BFH are funding his defense. They fund Them all.

    We all fund it. “unnamed party” my ass.

  2. For that to have really hit home he would have to believe in God. Most lawyers think they are the highest form of life, or existance, so the only reason that affected him is because he knew it sounded bad.

  3. Most lawyers think “By any means necessary”. Cheat, lie. But putting that 14 year old girl on the stand and raping her twice is unforgivable. Somebody needs to put a stop to this “By any means necessary.”

  4. Sounds to me like this lawyer is taking a page out of Hillary Clinton’s playbook, blaming the child for her rape and saying, ‘she wanted it, it’s obvious.’
    There’s a special place in hell for people like that, I assure you.

  5. one of the illegal alien rapists (forget which case) was identified as around 27, not a teenager, when they did an age analysis on his picture. not sure how accurate picture age analysis is, but there are other methods…bone scan, teeth examination that can give a more accurate analysis than the ‘take my word for it’ illegals.

  6. You’d think that people who can figure out where Shia LaBeouf has moved his webcam to, could figure out who’s hooking David Moyse’s “tiny” firm up with tens of thousands of dollars. Tens of thousands of unseizable dollars, I’m sure. (Right, Big Tony?)

  7. I’ll bet the NSA knows who’s ponying up the dough. Too bad Anonymous doesn’t take a hand in this and crack the law firms network and publish where the cash is coming from.

  8. Kuder Preference tester: Well let’s see…You have no morals….you’re prone to lying and you have no soul….it’s says here you are more than qualified to be a sleazy, take any case criminal defense lawyer.

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