Tucker Carlson Ends Pences Chances – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Ends Pences Chances

Pence looks like a clueless phukkin idiot.

27 Comments on Tucker Carlson Ends Pences Chances

  1. He sure did. At one point he laughed in Pence’s face when Pence said he didn’t see the need for voter reform and there has been no cheating. You’d think these clowns would at least vary off the party line to get some votes. Proving RINOs are dumber than Libtards. I can’t wait for Rondas turn. Dudes not very quick on his feet.

  2. “This country is going down the tubes but that’s not his concern? ”

    Be sure and watch his interview of Tim Scott. Equally as bad. Clueless. Tone deaf. Brain Dead.

  3. Only slightly less robotic than Al Gore.
    Going be hard to spin this any other way, but what it is.
    Yeah run Mike. You just made someone else’s campaign ad against you.

  4. “NOBODY Tucker who?”

    He’s the subject of the video up above. Easy to miss since it’s the topic. I do lots of work with special ed kids if you require any more assistance.

    Remember, I’m just here to help.

  5. Brad ~ thanks for the links … I think

    these putzes all sound like mush-mouthed D’rats. my brain isn’t any smarter for listening to their drivel. after torturing my ears w/ Hutchenfuchen, all I heard was the cartoon character batting his finger up & down on his lips …… buhdibee, buhdibee, buhdibee, buhdibee

    at least Tucker is separating out the chaff early … I’ll vote (for what it’s worth) for the eventual republican nominee over any D’rat … Go Ramaswami! (lol)

    but, we’re fooling ourselves if we think the next election will be any different than the last one. they have done NOTHING to eliminate the fix … they enjoy their rule over us … & they ain’t giving it up!


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