I, for one, am willing to be brainwashed if it means I get guacamole.
Good cadence and delivery. Pretty funny.
Where is Sir Tucker Carson when the election being stolen and a coup being staged by the death democrats? When we really need his voice and platform to fight this coup tooth and nail? oh that’s right his masters at Fox have forbidden him and of course his paycheck trumps his patriotism.
Big fucking phony. Sir Tucker runs away when the going gets tough.
Good job.
I am waiting for Tucker to make a final statement about traitorous Fox News then walking off the set. (Wishful thinking I suppose.)
Good! Except Tucker doesn’t keep his head to the side that much.
I want to hear the ‘laugh’, too. lol
I knew I hated guacamole, I just didn’t know why.
Tucker appearance on King of Queens.
Dumb, but lovable slob Doug, played by Kevin James in a dream sequence about moving to a high end apartment in Manhattan.
Tucker should book this guy on his show.
I, for one, am willing to be brainwashed if it means I get guacamole.
Good cadence and delivery. Pretty funny.
Where is Sir Tucker Carson when the election being stolen and a coup being staged by the death democrats? When we really need his voice and platform to fight this coup tooth and nail? oh that’s right his masters at Fox have forbidden him and of course his paycheck trumps his patriotism.
Big fucking phony. Sir Tucker runs away when the going gets tough.
Good job.
I am waiting for Tucker to make a final statement about traitorous Fox News then walking off the set. (Wishful thinking I suppose.)
Good! Except Tucker doesn’t keep his head to the side that much.
I want to hear the ‘laugh’, too. lol
I knew I hated guacamole, I just didn’t know why.
Tucker appearance on King of Queens.
Dumb, but lovable slob Doug, played by Kevin James in a dream sequence about moving to a high end apartment in Manhattan.
I’m waiting for the comedian that captures the speech and mannerisms of Biden {Short of soiling himself} Comedy gold!