Tucker Carlson Interview with Senator Mike Lee – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Interview with Senator Mike Lee

It’s long (2 hours) but I was hooked. They started talking about Biden’s mental decline being known by Congress, then talked about the change in responsibilities of Congress and the Executive branches. A very important thing happened in the late 1930s which explains how the alphabet agencies became able to write rules AND law.

Of course, they talked about much more. Quite enlightening.

5 Comments on Tucker Carlson Interview with Senator Mike Lee

  1. I listened to this interview this morning while walking the dogs, good stuff. One interesting point; the 25th Amendment was designed to remove a deficient president, for the good of the country, not to be used as an extortion tool to get somebody to bow out. If he is indeed inadequate and warrants implementing the 25th Amendment, why is he still in office, supposedly still fulfilling his duties as president?

    Democrats always play fast and loose with the rules. Instead of allowing the delegates at the convention to pick their candidate, Obama decides who he wants, and they all fall in line.

  2. “Everyone in Washington knew Joe Biden was senile….” YET, nothing was done. No republican spoke out. No republican made any legal moves. The republican party is complete garbage, save for PDJT’s involvment.

  3. Mike Lee was pretty damn impressive. However I don’t think any of this matters anymore. The wheels have been set in motion. Early voting starts in 5 or 6 days. It’s going to be Kami and the big cheat is on. Irresistible force vs immovable object. Maga vs the deep state. Get prepared.


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