Tucker Carlson On What Fauci Knew and When- The Man is a Monster – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson On What Fauci Knew and When- The Man is a Monster

4 Comments on Tucker Carlson On What Fauci Knew and When- The Man is a Monster

  1. Biden and his entire administration are perpetuating the Covid lies and coverup.
    The lap dog media is complicit as they parrot what ever they are told.
    No longer softball questions, they lob whiffle balls of predetermined non-issue questions, that a mentally challenged president has been coached on. Propaganda !!!

    Investigative journalism is found on the internet not the main stream media.

  2. Lillian;
    It’s been proven time and again that the DOJ and FBI are filled with political appointees and these agencies (and others) have been weaponized by the democrat party for political purposes.

    The deep state cabal protects their own.
    Expect nothing to come of this, and you won’t be disappointed.


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