Tucker Carlson Reveals the Sad State of Modern Journalism – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Reveals the Sad State of Modern Journalism

Criticizing the current state of modern journalism, Tucker Carlson told Accuracy in Media (AIM) that journalists’ obsequious behavior, blatant bias and monolithic worldview have compromised the integrity of the nation’s fourth estate.

Carlson, a member of the Fox News team and a veteran journalist who co-founded The Daily Caller, asserts that many journalists bask in the presence of “the powerful” and are “…afraid to challenge anybody in power.”

“That’s kind of exactly the opposite of what you want. I mean the whole reason that journalists have a special kind of place in American society is because they’re entrusted with this job to kind of keep the powerful honest and to speak on behalf of the population and the second they go over to the other side and start sucking up to politicians for example, is the second they’ve betrayed that charge.”

Questioned about the media’s election coverage this year, Carlson opined, “I don’t think by and large they have been covering it, they’ve been advocating on behalf of one candidate against another.”

He explained that regardless of the election’s outcome, the media’s advocacy has destroyed its claim to objectivity.

Pointing out that a conflict of interest will arise if Trump wins and the largely anti-Trump media must report on his presidency, he said, “… how are they gonna cover that, the administration? Can they? Haven’t they discredited themselves?”

“By the way,” he continued, “if Hillary wins, same thing. They’ve been working for her election and now they’re in charge of telling us what her administration is doing. Can we trust them with that? I don’t think so.”  MORE

7 Comments on Tucker Carlson Reveals the Sad State of Modern Journalism

  1. journalists’ obsequious behavior, blatant bias and monolithic worldview have compromised the integrity of the nation’s fourth estate.
    ‘obsequious’ I don’t have a clue
    ‘monolithic’ kinda get it
    I would love to be able to write like this and I agree with his finding. But I’m a moron.

  2. I don’t have any specific dates but I’m confident in saying that ‘journalists’ have been and/or are either paid off, threatened or both and have been controlled by communists/liberals for way too many years.
    They, and they alone, are responsible for abetting, encouraging and/or enabling the corruption, deceit, hate and discontent that permeates America since Obutthole has been in office.
    To dismiss that fact is proof of total ignorance or an admission of complete inclusion.

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