Tucker Carlson Reveals What Bursima Got For Bribing The Bidens – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Reveals What Bursima Got For Bribing The Bidens

Daily Wire

According to Carlson, Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to Burisma’s board, emailed Biden and his then-business partner Devon Archer about their “final goals” and to form a “concrete course of action” related to their dealings with Burisma.

“So what did Burisma want exactly? Well, good PR for starters,” Carlson said. “The executive wanted, quote, high-ranking U.S. officials to express their, quote, positive opinion of Burisma. And then he wanted the administration to act on Burisma’s behalf.”

Pozharskyi told Hunter Biden that Burisma executives wanted public support from U.S. officials, as well as to “close down any cases/pursuits against the head of Burisma in Ukraine,” Carlson said, quoting Pozharskyi’s email. More

5 Comments on Tucker Carlson Reveals What Bursima Got For Bribing The Bidens

  1. The MSM will ask Biden to denounce “hackers” and then move on to ask President Trump if he will accept the election results and if he will FINALLY denounce white supremacy. Real journalism. Biden supporters need to be made even dumber in order for him to win at the ballot box.

    Tucker has been closing the gap with Lou Dobbs lately.

  2. If all this had been released during the Trump Impeachment Proceedings, it would have derailed the Dementiacrats and destroyed Obiden’s campaign. Think about it. Without Obiden, they would have had to select someone else to put forward as a moderate, or go all out with a loony leftist candidate. Why didn’t the FBI turn this over to the President? Still believe there isn’t a Deep State?


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