Tucker Carlson Reviews Biden’s First Press Conference – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Reviews Biden’s First Press Conference

Red State

Yesterday, Joe Biden concluded his first presser after the longest drought for a new president in modern history, and the takes in response were hot. RedState hit all the angles (see hereherehere, and here) throughout the day. Everything from Biden’s mind-melting down (again) to his cheat sheets, to some of the more nonsensical answers he gave left a lot to cover.

Then there was Tucker Carlson. You just knew he was going to deliver a monologue fit for the absurdity that was witnessed. He didn’t disappoint. More

10 Comments on Tucker Carlson Reviews Biden’s First Press Conference

  1. With Kamala waiting in the wings and Ol’ Joe’s senility, he isn’t going to make it to the end of his first term much less his second term.

    That was sad to watch. He looked like a deer in headlights and clearly had no idea what he was talking about.


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